Women must dare to "think differently and do differently" to succeed, dare to overcome limits to prove to everyone that women can do more.
This is the sharing of Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Vinmec Stem Cell and Gene Technology Research Institute at the discussion session "Thinking hard, doing differently" within the framework of the 2024 Leadership Forum with the theme "Leaders create the future" taking place on May 30 in Ho Chi Minh City.
Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao (33 years old) is one of 45 researchers from 30 countries to become a member of the Council of the Global Young Scientists Academy (GYA) in 2024. She is the first Vietnamese female doctor to be elected to the Global Young Scientists Academy. Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao has received many awards and is currently the President of the Academy of Medicine in Vietnam.
Sharing at the discussion session, Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao said that her achievements were all based on the decision to "think differently". According to the female doctor, she started everything from zero; as a woman and a mother, she encountered many difficulties when engaging in scientific research.
According to the female doctor, at first, with her tireless efforts, she wanted to prove that women could do a lot of things. Then, she realized that women needed to be empowered more.
"The position and role of women in today's society have also changed a lot. However, somewhere, invisibly, even in women's minds, there is still the idea that women should stick to holding children, stepping back to take care of the family and husband", Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao said and emphasized that what she herself does is also to prove to the women around her that women can do much more.
Female speakers shared at the discussion session with the topic "Thinking differently is difficult"
Ms. Tran Hoang Phu Xuan - CEO of Faslink, said that the past 2 years have been quite a difficult time for businesses, and this year is even more difficult than last year. According to Ms. Xuan, to overcome difficulties, there needs to be specific strategies for each stage.
According to Ms. Vu Le Quyen - CEO of Biti's, for a business to develop sustainably, it is necessary to establish a balance between human, economic and natural factors. To do this, it is necessary to change people's thinking, helping the company's staff to have a change in awareness; understand sustainable development, the challenges that nature and human life are facing.
The 2024 Leadership Forum with the theme "Leaders create the future" was organized by the Ho Chi Minh City Women Entrepreneurs Association (Hawee) in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City Young Entrepreneurs Association (YBA). Ms. Cao Thi Ngoc Dung, Chairwoman of Hawee, affirmed that the success of this event will be an opportunity for Hawee to elevate its mission and become a strategic partner of organizations, associations and the business community at home and abroad. Hawee is committed to optimizing all strengths and resources to bring effective strategies and solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises, while continuing to improve the capacity and internal strength of female leaders in all action programs that it implements in the coming time.
Source: https://phunuvietnam.vn/phu-nu-dam-nghi-kho-lam-khac-de-thanh-cong-20240530223813041.htm
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