Based on the opinions of National Assembly deputies on the selection of groups of questions and people to answer questions at the session, the National Assembly Standing Committee recently officially announced the question and answer program of this session.

Accordingly, the 4 groups of issues selected by the National Assembly for questioning are: Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs; Transportation; Science and Technology; and Ethnicity.

According to the question and answer program at the 5th Session, the question and answer session will begin on the morning of June 6. National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue will chair and deliver the opening speech.

During the 2.5 working days, the National Assembly will question 4 groups of issues. Also in the question and answer session at this session, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai will clarify related issues and answer questions from National Assembly deputies.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai and four ministers and heads of sectors will answer questions at the National Assembly. Photo: VPQH

The first group of issues is in the field of labor, war invalids and social affairs: The current employment situation for workers and solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles in creating jobs for workers in the current period. Solutions to overcome shortcomings and limitations in the field of social insurance (enterprises evading payment, appropriating, owing social insurance money, collusion, falsification of insurance benefit records, incorrect payment of benefits, etc.); management of the Social Insurance Fund; solutions to overcome the increasing trend of workers withdrawing social insurance at one time.

The Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs is responsible for answering the main questions.

The second group of issues is in the ethnic sector: Policies to attract resources to support investment in the development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas, areas with difficult and especially difficult socio-economic conditions. Solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles in ethnic policies related to the demarcation of communes and villages in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. Solving difficulties in residential land and production land for ethnic minorities, overcoming the situation of spontaneous nomadic and shifting cultivation, and deforestation.

The Minister and Chairman of the Ethnic Committee is responsible for answering the main questions.

The third group of issues in the field of science and technology: National science and technology development strategy; solutions to promote the application and deployment of achievements and advanced scientific and technological products in life. The application of high technology to serve socio-economic development, especially in the agricultural sector. The arrangement, management and use of the state budget for scientific research in the past, the management and use of the National Science and Technology Development Fund.

Scientific research activities, transfer of scientific research results to the market of research units, institutes, schools, and public service units. Mechanisms and policies to encourage private investment in research and application of science and technology. Implementation of policies and laws on Science and Technology Development Fund of enterprises.

The Minister of Science and Technology is responsible for answering the main questions.

The fourth group of issues in the field of transportation: Solutions to improve the transport infrastructure system, limit traffic accidents nationwide, reduce traffic congestion in major cities. State management responsibilities in inspection activities; solutions to remove difficulties, improve the quality of inspection work for road and inland waterway vehicles. Management of transport activities, vehicle quality; training, testing, granting, revoking and managing licenses to operate road and inland waterway vehicles.

The Minister of Transport is responsible for answering the main questions.