In a post on an online dating forum, an account believed to belong to Associate Professor Lou introduced himself as 1.75m tall, 70kg, and having a doctorate from a prestigious university in China.
The article introduces Lou as having an annual income of more than 1 million yuan (more than 3.5 billion VND), he likes playing sports, and is interested in financial investment. In addition, Lou is an only child, born into a well-off family in Yiwu, Zhejiang.
Lou wants to find a girlfriend born after 2000, 10 years younger than him. This girl must be between 1.65m and 1.71m tall. In terms of appearance, Lou expects his girlfriend to be "slim and good-looking". In terms of education, Lou requires the other person to have a bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree from the top 9 most prestigious universities in China.
If the girl graduated from a foreign university, it must be in the top 20 most prestigious universities in the world. If the girl graduated from law, medicine or pharmacy, that would be a "plus".
If a candidate does not meet the qualifications criteria, but stands out in other aspects such as appearance, family background or personal ability, Lou will still consider the possibility of dating.
The article, believed to be written by Associate Professor Lou, has sparked controversy on Chinese social media. Information about Associate Professor Lou's workplace has also been repeatedly mentioned in social media discussions.
Faced with great public concern for the school's personnel, Zhejiang University has spoken out, saying that the school has worked with Associate Professor Lou on this matter.
Currently, Mr. Lou remains silent in front of the media. However, during the meeting with the school, Mr. Lou said that there were some problems in this incident, including inaccurate information being spread about him, affecting his work and life, so he contacted the police to report the incident.
Zhejiang University representatives did not provide any information about the inaccuracies. However, the story surrounding Associate Professor Lou continues to cause controversy on social media, and has even been mentioned by news outlets in the country.
Some people think that if Associate Professor Lou really has such "strict" standards for choosing a girlfriend, there is nothing wrong with that. "Such an outstanding person has the right to set high standards when looking for a girlfriend. Many netizens criticize and criticize Professor Lou just because they are jealous of his conditions," a social media user commented.
However, there are also many people who do not have a "sympathetic" view of the article said to be by Associate Professor Lou: "Such a highly educated person should be very understanding, but he only sees love and marriage as a transaction that requires values to be truly commensurate. The emotional factors of both parties, or the criteria of beautiful personality, are completely not mentioned."
How to handle a "crisis" if you suddenly cause controversy on social media

Everyone should be prepared for an "online crisis" (Photo: iStock).
In today's day and age, anyone can become a controversial figure on social media at some point.
According to American communications expert Stanley Meytin, when facing a crisis in cyberspace, users should stay calm to protect their personal image and avoid causing serious damage due to unwise reactions or statements while not calm.
Sometimes an article expressing a personal opinion, even if it is not related to the work unit, can still have a certain impact. Therefore, you need to be calm and clear-headed in your speech and behavior if you encounter an "online crisis".
As in the case of Associate Professor Lou, not to mention the controversial posting about finding a girlfriend, Associate Professor Lou's handling of the "online crisis" is still considered professional by many netizens, preventing the incident from becoming more controversial.
In fact, everyone should be prepared for an “online crisis,” here are some suggestions:
- Apply the principle of "information that can be shared publicly with colleagues": If there is something that makes you feel uncomfortable sharing on social networks, it is likely that it is something that you should only... keep to yourself. Imagine a meeting with many colleagues, would you be comfortable sharing with everyone about something that is "uncomfortable" for you? If the answer is no, it is best that you do not post this information on social networks.
- Comply with the regulations on social media use set forth by your agency: If your agency has regulations on how employees use social media, you should read them carefully to apply them to your social media use.
- Move the discussion to another medium: What happens on the internet will still be there even years later. Getting bogged down in online arguments can put you at a disadvantage. If the online argument requires a response, consider moving the conversation to another medium, such as sending the other person your email or phone number, so that you can both reach out and resolve the issue in a more productive way.
- Develop a response plan: In cyberspace, identity fraud or false information sharing can happen. For individuals and organizations that value online reputation, they need to develop response plans. For example, in which cases should they respond, and in which cases should they remain absolutely silent because it is not worth speaking up about.
- Don't feed the controversial information flow: When an online crisis occurs, the controversial information flow will increase if the parties continue to respond back and forth. It is best not to argue with the provocateurs, this will only make the situation worse. Choose the most civilized and effective way to behave.
According to SCMP/TFP
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