Tap Phuoc village has 385 households divided into 6 solidarity groups, most of whom live on agriculture. According to statistics, by the end of 2024, the village will have no more poor households, only 20 households under social protection. The whole village has 74% permanent houses and 26% semi-permanent houses, no households living in temporary houses.
In 2024, the people of Tap Phuoc village actively participated in campaigns launched by the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels; supported the Fund for the Poor with more than 7 million VND; supported people in the northern provinces affected by storm No. 3 with more than 18.8 million VND; mobilized benefactors to support 20 gifts for elderly members in difficult circumstances.
The whole village has 94% of households achieving cultural family status, 90% of households have gate signs. At the end of 2024, Tap Phuoc village was assessed by Dai Loc district to be eligible for recognition as a district-level cultural village.
Speaking at the festival, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Tran Xuan Vinh expressed his joy at the results achieved by the people of Tap Phuoc village in recent times; especially the voluntary donation of land, gateways... contributing to the construction of rural traffic infrastructure, aiming to achieve the standard of a model new rural village.
On this occasion, comrade Tran Xuan Vinh, representatives of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province and leaders of Dai Loc district presented 20 gifts to families in difficult circumstances in Tap Phuoc village.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/pho-chu-tich-hdnd-tinh-tran-xuan-vinh-du-ngay-hoi-dai-doan-ket-tai-xa-dai-chanh-3144050.html
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