Smartphones are not simply devices for listening, calling, or satisfying entertainment needs such as taking photos, recording videos, or surfing social networks. Many people, thanks to these basic features, have more opportunities to change their lives.
Viettel gives people free smartphones to switch from 2G to 4G – Photo: VGP/Tuan Hung
For many years, owning a smartphone has always been the desire of Mr. Dinh Van Hiu's family, living in Hoa Bac commune, Hoa Vang district, Da Nang. The Co Tu ethnic man makes a living mainly by farming and collecting firewood to sell every day. His meager income is not enough to buy a smartphone. He learns about local information and policies through neighbors and relatives, or waits for the village chief to directly disseminate them.
His wish came true when Mr. Hiu was one of 50 disadvantaged households in Hoa Bac to be given a smartphone - a program jointly implemented by Viettel and the commune government in 2023. Since having a smartphone, combined with Viettel's 4G signal, instead of passively receiving information, the Co Tu ethnic man can now proactively keep up with the situation through a group on social networks - where necessary news is announced to the community.
More beneficial, every day he goes to the forest, he can know in advance what the weather will be like. The Internet will give him the exact answer, instead of making his own judgment. During the crop season, when he sees strange symptoms in the trees, he takes a picture and sends it to the agricultural staff to see and show them how to fix it, without having to wait for someone to come and examine the tree.
Da Nang has been the leading locality in the country in the last 3 years in digital transformation with 3 pillars of digital government, digital economy and digital society. However, less than 40 km from the city center, there are still people like Mr. Hiu who do not have access to smartphones, the Internet or digital services.
Viettel is determined to change that contrasting picture. With the concept that technology is made for everyone to enjoy, regardless of class, Viettel is committed to bringing 4G waves to every citizen, just like the mobile universalization revolution took place.
Thanks to smartphones, many people have more business opportunities and improve their lives - Photo: VGP/Tuan Hung
Changing the face of the entire island district
With the Internet on Phu Quy Island (Binh Thuan), a generation of young people on the island no longer have to worry about whether to stay or go like their fathers and grandfathers, but can start a business right in their homeland. In the past, fishing seemed to be the only career choice for the islanders, but now the children of Phu Quy know how to take advantage of the power of the Internet, promote tourism, and do local economic activities.
By the end of 2017, mobile Internet had spread to Phu Quy outpost island with 4 4G stations and 5 3G stations. This number of stations ensures broadband Internet coverage to all residents on the island, which has an area of only about 16.3 km2. The distance of 56 nautical miles (equivalent to 120 km) between the remote island and the mainland has been erased.
In just a few years, Phu Quy has gradually transformed. Many families have switched to service businesses. A series of hotels, motels, homestays, eateries, and motorbike rental shops have sprung up along the coast to meet the needs of the increasing number of tourists coming to the island.
Phu Quy is still on track to complete its telecommunications infrastructure, in addition to 4 microwave transmission lines (from Phong Phu Quarry to Cao Cat Mountain and from Bau Trang to the Naval Radar Station), along with 8 mobile information broadcasting stations of Viettel Binh Thuan. According to the transmission infrastructure development plan in Phu Quy district, in 2024, Viettel Binh Thuan will continue to invest in upgrading the transmission lines.
Since its early days, Viettel has always associated the goal of popularizing technology with social responsibility, from popularizing mobile phones to broadband Internet. Now, with less than half a month to go before phones that only support 2G will stop working, Viettel is rushing to convert the remaining subscribers, while simultaneously accelerating 4G coverage. This will contribute to fulfilling Viettel's promise: to popularize smartphones to all people, leaving no one behind in the digital age.
Owning a smartphone with Internet connection is a necessary condition for each citizen to become a digital citizen, a stepping stone to contribute to changing the life of an individual, a household, and further bring about changes for an entire region and the whole society./.
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