“Because of many specific mechanisms, policies and new regulations, the revised Law on the Capital City requires a very large and complicated amount of work. All levels, sectors, and each cadre and civil servant of the City must firmly grasp the ideology, viewpoints, specific regulations as well as the relationship between the provisions of the Law,” Chairman of the City People’s Committee Tran Sy Thanh requested.
On the morning of October 11, the Hanoi Party Committee held a conference to disseminate and implement the Capital Law No. 39/2024/QH15. The conference was held in both direct and online formats, from the headquarters of the City People's Committee to departments, branches and sectors; 30 districts, towns and 579 communes, wards and towns with about 30,000 delegates attending.
The amount of work to be done is huge.
The conference was held in a combination of in-person and online formats with about 30,000 delegates attending (Photo: TL). |
This is a very important law for the capital city of Hanoi, clearly defining the position and role of the capital and specific mechanisms and policies in the construction, management and protection of the capital; thereby creating favorable institutions, paving the way, and unleashing all resources to build and develop the capital city of Hanoi "Cultured - Civilized - Modern" according to Resolution No. 15 dated May 5, 2022 of the Politburo.
After the Law on the Capital was passed by the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, the City Party Committee, the People's Council and the City People's Committee issued many plans and documents to direct the implementation of the Law on the Capital, such as: Propagating, disseminating and thoroughly understanding the Law on the Capital; Developing documents to organize the implementation of the Law; Reviewing the system of documents of the City and monitoring the implementation of the law and many other related tasks.
Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh delivered the opening speech at the conference (Photo: TL). |
From that reality, Chairman of the City People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh requested all levels, sectors, each cadre and civil servant of the City to firmly grasp the ideology, viewpoints and spirit of the Capital Law; clearly understand the specific regulations as well as the relationship between the regulations of the Capital Law in the overall legal system. "Because the amount of work to be implemented is very large and complicated, because the Capital Law has many specific mechanisms and policies, many new regulations compared to the current legal system", Chairman of the City People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh emphasized.
The Chairman of the City People's Committee said that the Conference disseminated and thoroughly understood the Law on the Capital City to raise awareness and responsibility of all levels, sectors, party members, civil servants, public employees and people in implementing the Law on the Capital City and documents guiding its implementation.
Opening new "corridors" for transport infrastructure development
Also at the conference, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Law Committee Nguyen Phuong Thuy provided more detailed information about the amended Law on the Capital, specifically: The Law on the Capital consists of 7 chapters and 54 articles (an increase of 3 chapters and 27 articles compared to the 2012 Law on the Capital), closely following the 5 guiding viewpoints for drafting the draft and 9 policy groups decided by the National Assembly with many new contents, aiming at strong decentralization and delegation in all fields along with many specific and outstanding policy solutions, suitable to the practical situation and development orientation of the country and the capital Hanoi in the new period.
Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Law Committee Nguyen Phuong Thuy speaks (Photo: TL). |
The law has also revised many important regulations, ensuring the organization of the capital's government in a streamlined, professional, modern, effective and efficient manner. Hanoi elected 125 City People's Council delegates, of which at least 25% of the total number of delegates are full-time (an increase of 30 delegates compared to the present). The full-time Standing Committee of the City People's Council has no more than 11 members, including the Chairman, no more than 3 Vice Chairmen (an increase of 1 Vice Chairman and 4 members of the Standing Committee of the City People's Council).
For the Hanoi City People's Committee, the Law on the Capital (amended) decentralizes the City government to decide on the establishment of new public service units under its management; the People's Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee, specialized agencies, and other administrative organizations under the People's Committees at all levels are decentralized or authorized to perform the tasks and powers prescribed by law.
Conference to disseminate and thoroughly understand the Capital Law No. 39/2024/QH15 (Photo: TL). |
Along with the provisions on decentralization and delegation of authority between the levels of the City's government, the Law has added provisions on decentralization and delegation of authority by the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries and branches to the City's agencies to concretize the policy of promoting decentralization and delegation. The Law also determines that the State prioritizes investment and attracting resources to promote the potential and strengths of the Capital to build, develop, manage and protect the Capital.
The law also opens a "new corridor" in the development of Hanoi's transport infrastructure in the direction of allowing investment in urban railway development to be prioritized in applying the TOD model (urban development oriented towards public transport), ensuring modernity, synchronization and sustainability. In the TOD area, the City is allowed to collect and use 100% of the revenue from a number of revenues to reinvest in the construction of urban railways, public transport systems, and technical infrastructure connecting to the public passenger transport system.
For major transport infrastructure projects, the most noteworthy point is Article 43 of the Capital Law (amended) with the content: "Separating compensation, support, resettlement, and site clearance from public investment projects". Thus, the "bottleneck" of site clearance that has caused delays in the progress of a series of key transport projects in Hanoi has been resolved.
Source: https://thoidai.com.vn/pho-bie-n-qua-n-trie-t-lua-t-thu-do-2024-toi-ca-n-bo-cong-chu-c-va-vien-chuc-205988.html
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