This morning, September 13, the Quang Tri Provincial Council for Coordination of Law Dissemination and Education held a conference to disseminate the Social Insurance Law No. 41/2024/QH15 (Social Insurance Law 2024), the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Property Auction and Decree No. 56/2024/ND-CP dated May 18, 2024 of the Government.
Conference scene - Photo: SH
At the conference, delegates listened to provincial legal reporters disseminate the above laws and decrees.
On June 29, 2024, at the 7th session, the 15th National Assembly passed the Law on Social Insurance (SI) 2024, consisting of 11 chapters and 141 articles, taking effect from July 1, 2025.
The Social Insurance Law 2024 has new points such as: Supplementing social pension benefits to form a multi-layered social insurance system. Accordingly, social pension benefits under the provisions of the Social Insurance Law 2024 are a type of social insurance guaranteed by the state budget, built on the basis of inheriting and partly developing from the regulations on monthly social allowances for the elderly... In particular, the age of receiving social pension benefits is reduced to 75 years old (currently 80 years old); Vietnamese citizens from 70 years old to under 75 years old who are from poor households, near-poor households and meet the conditions are entitled to receive social pension benefits...
The next new point of the Social Insurance Law 2024 is to supplement the monthly subsidy regime for employees who are not eligible for pension and are not old enough to receive social retirement benefits.
Accordingly, Vietnamese citizens who are of retirement age but do not have enough time to pay for pension (less than 15 years of payment) and are not old enough to receive social pension benefits (less than 75 years old) if they do not receive one-time social insurance and do not reserve it but have a request, will receive monthly benefits from their own contributions. During the period of receiving monthly benefits, the state budget will pay for health insurance...
The 2024 Social Insurance Law has expanded the subjects eligible to participate and fully enjoy social insurance regimes by expanding the subjects participating in compulsory social insurance for business owners of registered business households; adding the right to enjoy sickness and maternity benefits for non-professional workers at the commune level instead of only enjoying two regimes: retirement and death as in the current law; adding maternity benefits to the voluntary social insurance policy; increasing the opportunity to receive pensions for social insurance participants by reducing the condition on the minimum number of years of social insurance contributions to receive pensions from 20 years to 15 years...
On June 27, 2024, at the 7th session, the 15th National Assembly passed the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Property Auction, which will take effect from January 1, 2025.
The Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Property Auction consists of 3 articles, of which 43 articles are amended and supplemented, 2 new articles are added, 2 articles and a number of points and clauses of the Law on Property Auction are abolished with the following basic contents: Amending and supplementing regulations on auctioneers and property auction organizations; amending and supplementing regulations on procedures for property auction; amending and supplementing regulations on responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals in property auction activities.
The promulgation of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Property Auction aims to contribute to preventing and combating corruption, negativity and waste; continue to improve the professionalism and specialization of the auctioneer team and property auction organizations; overcome limitations and shortcomings, ensure publicity, transparency and objectivity, promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in property auction activities; improve the efficiency and effectiveness of state management of property auctions...
Decree No. 56/2024/ND-CP dated May 18, 2024 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 55/2011/ND-CP stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of legal organizations. Accordingly, the amended and supplemented contents include: On the position and functions of legal organizations; tasks and powers of legal organizations of ministries and ministerial-level agencies... This Decree takes effect from July 2, 2024.
Sy Hoang
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