Attending the event were: National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue; President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Duarte Pacheco; Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong; President of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum Dan Carden, Member of the House of Representatives, United Kingdom; Ms. Cynthia Lopez Castro, President of the IPU Women Parliamentarians Forum, Member of Parliament of Mexico.
Also attending were: Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man; Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Do Van Chien; Vice Chairmen of the National Assembly: Nguyen Duc Hai, Tran Quang Phuong, Head of the Central External Relations Commission Le Hoai Trung, Secretary of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Group of Young Vietnamese National Assembly Deputies Nguyen Anh Tuan; members of the National Assembly Standing Committee, representatives of leaders of ministries, departments, branches and central agencies.
National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the closing session of the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians. Photo: VNA
More than 500 young parliamentarians and delegates from IPU member parliaments, representatives of international organizations, ambassadors representing foreign diplomatic agencies, and international organizations of Vietnam attended.
Ms. Dyah Roro Esti, Indonesian MP, Member of the Executive Board of the Young Parliamentarians Forum, said that recently, many disasters such as earthquakes, natural disasters, and fires have occurred in the world, causing heavy losses in human lives and property, especially in Morocco, Libya, and Vietnam.
To express their condolences and remember the victims, delegates attending the Opening Session observed a minute of silence.
National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and delegates attend the closing session. Photo: VNA
Next, in her closing remarks, Ms. Dyah Roro Esti said that delegates have covered a wide range of issues over the past few days. On the first day, delegates reviewed progress on the SDGs and the role of digital transformation, innovation and entrepreneurship in helping us accelerate progress. And today, delegates looked at how harnessing cultural diversity can also be a driving force in the implementation of the SDGs, as well as how technology can be used responsibly to harness the positive aspects of these advances while minimizing the risks.
Speaking at the Conference, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Nguyen Minh Triet said that within the framework of the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians, the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union was assigned to organize the Seminar on “Enhancing Digital Capacity for Vietnamese Youth”. This is a good opportunity for Vietnamese youth and young parliamentarians from other countries to share their awareness of the role and importance of digital capacity in the current context of digital transformation.
At the same time, through the speeches and experience sharing at the Seminar, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and relevant agencies of Vietnam have more suggestions to refer to in the process of organizing activities to support digital capacity building for young people in the coming time...
Indonesian MP, Member of the Executive Board of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Young Parliamentarians Forum Dyah Roro Esti chaired the closing session. Photo: VNA
At the Seminar, delegates discussed major issues related to the digital capacity of young people and agreed that digital transformation is a comprehensive and all-people revolution. Among them, the force has the most favorable conditions to do well in digital transformation due to its creative characteristics, ability to quickly access technology and easily accept new things. In digital transformation, young people are the subjects participating in digital transformation, and at the same time, they are also the subjects enjoying the results brought about by digital transformation.
With a correct understanding of the role, mission and strength of youth, over the past time, young people have proactively and actively participated in the national digital transformation and have created many positive values. Leaders at all levels and youth organizations have supported and created a more favorable environment for young people to improve their digital capacity and make specific contributions to the community.
Regarding the proposed solutions to enhance digital capacity for young people in the coming time, opinions said that it is necessary to continue implementing propaganda solutions so that young people understand the impacts of digital transformation on human development, the perfection of each individual and the necessary role of digital capacity for young people in the context of digital transformation. At the same time, share effective models and solutions in enhancing digital capacity for young people. From correct awareness, complete and timely information, young people can take positive and practical actions.
In addition, solutions to improve digital capacity are implemented through training courses, competitions, and awards on information technology and digital transformation; forums and seminars to share knowledge and digital skills, etc. to attract young people to participate in order to improve their skills and find young talents in the fields of information technology and digital transformation.
Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Nguyen Minh Triet said that the Seminar was a great success, meeting the set goals, and emphasized that the contents of the Seminar were very useful for the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and agencies and organizations interested in the issue of digital capacity of young people.
Presenting the report on Session 1 "Digital Transformation", Mr. Hoang Minh Hieu, National Assembly Delegate of Vietnam, said that within the framework of the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Hanoi, Vietnam from September 14 to 17, 2023, delegates participated in the first session on "Digital Transformation" chaired by the President of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Tonga Lord Fakafanua, Member of the Executive Board of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum; Mr. Mohamed Anouar Bouchouit, Member of the Algerian People's National Assembly, Member of the Executive Board of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum.
After presentations by parliamentarians from Mexico, Vietnam, Uruguay, Lithuania, Kenya, the European Parliament and the Director of YIAGA Africa, 30 opinions were exchanged and discussed by parliamentarians, representatives of affiliated organizations and observers.
Discussions and opinions focused on three main contents: Perfecting institutions and policies to promote digital transformation and create more opportunities for sustainable economic development; sharing experiences of countries in legislative work, supervision and the role of young parliamentarians in promoting digital transformation in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; sharing progress in digitalizing parliamentary activities and promoting digital economy and society. Emphasizing perfecting institutions for innovation, testing new models, deploying new digital applications and platforms to accelerate digital transformation; popularizing digital connectivity through training, raising digital awareness, digital culture and digital skills for people, especially young people; narrowing the digital gap and ensuring equitable access to technology so that no one is left behind in the process of sustainable development of the digital environment.
Delegates commemorate the unfortunate victims of the mini apartment fire in Thanh Xuan, Hanoi. Photo: VNA
Delegates commemorate the unfortunate victims of the mini apartment fire in Thanh Xuan, Hanoi. Photo: VNA
At the Closing Session, delegate Tran Khanh Thu reported on the summary of the 2nd thematic session on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Mr. Wilson Soto Palacios, Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Peru, Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee of the Young Parliamentarians Forum, chaired the session.
Delegate Tran Khanh Thu said that after the presentation of Mr. Denis Naughten, Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Ireland, Chairman of the IPU Science and Technology Working Group, the panelists were the founder and CEO of Sky Mavis, Director of HICOOL and experts from UNDP, 18 opinions were exchanged and discussed by parliamentarians of various countries, representatives of affiliated organizations and observers, focusing on the following contents: Perfecting institutions and policies to actively promote innovation and the Startup ecosystem (including the entrepreneurial spirit of young people) towards comprehensive and sustainable development; the experience of the National Assembly in legislative work, supervision and the role of young parliamentarians in promoting the innovation and startup ecosystem; developing artificial intelligence, contributing to the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Propose to parliaments on building and perfecting institutions, policies and solutions to minimize risks related to AI.
Vietnamese National Assembly delegate Nguyen Thi Ha presented the summary report of the third topic: "Promoting respect for cultural diversity for sustainable development". Delegate Nguyen Thu Ha said that at the discussion session, delegates focused on the following contents: Digital cooperation based on ethics and minimizing the unwanted impacts of digital transformation on privacy, security and happiness; promoting the role of culture in development policies at the national, regional and international levels; commitment to protect and promote cultural diversity; creating a favorable environment and ecosystem for culture and cultural diversity; the role of culture and cultural diversity in sustainable development.
Based on the opinions exchanged and discussed, the Conference acknowledged and appreciated the experiences and achievements of countries in building policies and laws to promote cultural diversity and the role of parliamentarians in this process.
Through the discussion, national parliaments need to develop a common parliamentary approach to establish a framework of principles and values in decision-making, research and development in science and technology, such as the IPU Code of Conduct on the Ethics of Science and Technology, to ensure that the development and application of science and technology are carried out responsibly, ethically for the purpose of sustainable development and respect for cultural diversity.
In addition, parliaments should establish a legal framework on ethics and conduct in cyberspace to prevent online violence and abuse against vulnerable groups, especially women and girls. Strengthen data protection frameworks, especially personal data, and promote open-source and transparent algorithms. Enhance trust by promoting intercultural dialogue and respect for cultural diversity and indigenous knowledge as a driving force for sustainable development, prosperity and peaceful coexistence.
Scene of the closing session of the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians. Photo: VNA
In addition, parliaments need to promote respect for cultural diversity in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; strengthen cooperation in innovating economic operations, increasing labor productivity, creating new drivers for economic growth, and at the same time, helping state agencies operate more transparently and effectively on the digitalization roadmap, in order to narrow the development gap and ensure national sovereignty as well as personal privacy in cyberspace.
According to VNA/Tin Tuc Newspaper
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