Regional development targets by 2030 include: the total district population is about 33,900 people (permanent population is about 29,000 people); of which the urban population is about 10,450 people (permanent population is about 8,750 people).
Urbanization rate is about 30.2%; urban land area is about 20,727ha. Forecasted value structure of economic sectors: agriculture - forestry 14%; industry - construction 47%; trade - services 39%.
Nam Giang district is divided into 2 development zones. The Eastern zone includes: Thanh My town, Ca Dy, Ta Bhing, Ta Po communes; area 74,324ha, accounting for 40.25% of the district's total area; Thanh My town is the center of the zone.
The Western region includes the communes: Cho Chun, La Êê, Zuôih, Đắc Tôi, Đắc Pre, Đắc Pring, and the Nam Giang Border Gate Economic Zone with 2 communes: La Dee and Cha Val; area of 110,336 hectares, accounting for 59.75% of the district's total area; taking the Nam Giang Border Gate Economic Zone as the center of the region.
According to the plan, by 2030, Nam Giang district will have 1 type V urban area, Thanh My town, with an area of about 20,727 hectares.
Nam Giang district has many driving forces for development, located in the corridor along National Highway 14B and National Highway 14E connecting to National Highway 14D to Nam Giang International Border Gate associated with the economic development relationship between Nam Giang - Dac Ta Ooc Border Gate Economic Zone with Da Nang City and the Dien Ban - Hoi An - Dai Loc dynamic cluster through National Highway 14B, 14D and Ho Chi Minh Road.
At the same time, it is the axis of exchange with the economic regions of the Central Highlands and Southern Laos - Northern Cambodia. Convenient traffic connections: traffic infrastructure includes Ho Chi Minh road, Truong Son Dong, national highways 14B and 14D.
Nam Giang Border Gate Economic Zone has an important strategic location, with an international border gate, located on the East-West economic corridor; along with major routes including Ho Chi Minh Road, National Highway 14B and 14D, convenient for connecting economic and cultural exchanges between countries, inter-regional and intra-regional links, promoting the development of industry, trade, services and tourism...
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