A 26-year-old patient with left tongue cancer underwent successful microsurgery to reconstruct the tongue after 8 hours of surgery.
On March 20, Military Hospital 175 (HCMC) announced that the hospital had just performed surgery to reconstruct the tongue of patient NXĐ (26 years old, from Dong Nai) who had a tumor in the left tongue area.
Taking the medical history, patient D. said that he discovered the tumor 4 months before being hospitalized. Through examination, biopsy of the lesion, aspiration of the submandibular lymph nodes and MRI of the head, face and neck, patient D. was diagnosed with left tongue cancer, with metastasis to the ipsilateral submandibular lymph nodes.
MSc. Dr. Do Van Tu - Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic Surgery, Military Hospital 175 said that the patient was indicated for wide tumor excision, immediate biopsy of the excision area, and dissection of the ipsilateral neck lymph nodes. Doctors performed tongue reconstruction using a microsurgical anterior lateral thigh flap.
The surgery had 2 surgical teams and lasted 8 hours.
The surgery lasted 8 hours, with 2 surgical teams operating in parallel. Surgical team 1 performed wide excision of the lesion with immediate biopsy of the excision surface and dissection of the ipsilateral cervical lymph nodes. Surgical team 2 reconstructed the damaged organ using flap technique.
"The doctors used an anterior outer thigh flap, using a flap thinning technique. During the flap lifting process, they created a thin, soft material that resembled the damaged organ but ensured good blood supply to the flap. After surgery, patient D's tongue recovered well in shape and function," said Master, Doctor Do Van Tu.
The patient's tongue after tumor removal and reconstruction surgery. Photo: BVCC.
Dr. Nguyen Trong Duc - Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic Surgery, Military Hospital 175, commented: "Reconstructing damaged organs after tumor removal plays an important role. Reconstructive solutions help patients restore their physical shape, speaking and swallowing functions, which is of great significance to the patient's ability to integrate into the community."
According to Dr. Nguyen Trong Duc, the technique of using free flaps in the reconstruction of tongue and floor of mouth defects after tumor removal in the treatment of tongue and floor of mouth cancer brings many benefits such as: Providing shaping materials with sufficient size, composition, and flexibility, microsurgical vascular anastomosis technique brings good blood supply to the flap. Thanks to the development of microsurgery, patients have more reconstructive solutions in the treatment of tongue cancer and other diseases.
South Trade
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/phau-thuat-vi-phau-tai-tao-luoi-thanh-cong-cho-benh-nhan-ung-thu-172250321130605593.htm
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