According to the Decision, the goal is to develop Hanoi University of Science and Technology into a modern higher education institution, among the top in Asia in the field of engineering and technology; an excellent center for training, talent development, research and innovation, playing a leading role in the Vietnamese higher education system in fields serving the development of technology and strategic industries (including the fields of artificial intelligence, cyber security, blockchain, electronics, semiconductors, chips, digital technology, robotics and automation, energy, environment, biotechnology, advanced materials, etc.); actively contributing to the socio-economic development of Hanoi, the Red River Delta and the whole country.
By 2030, strive to: The proportion of lecturers with doctoral degrees will reach 85%, of which 30% will have the title of professor, associate professor, 10% will be lecturers, prestigious scientists from abroad; at least 25% of total training programs will be taught in English; train at least 8,000 engineers, masters, and doctors in fields serving strategic technology and industrial development; on average, each lecturer will have 1.6 scientific publications/year in the Web of Science, SCOPUS categories; the entire Hanoi University of Science and Technology will have an average of 25 to 30 recognized intellectual property rights, utility solutions/year; have from 04 to 06 groups of fields/fields ranked in the top 300-500 in the region and the world; There are at least 06 products successfully commercialized from the results of scientific research and technology development of Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
Hanoi University of Science and Technology is the center of the innovation network of Hanoi Capital and the Red River Delta region, incubating at least 10 spin-offs and start-ups that have successfully raised capital with a total value of over 10 million USD.
By 2045, Hanoi University of Science and Technology will become a university in the top 100 universities in Asia in the field of engineering and technology.
The decision clearly states that by 2035, Hanoi University of Science and Technology will be the leading center of research and innovation in the country in science, engineering and technology, ranked in the top 100-150 in Asia according to prestigious international rankings.
By 2045: Hanoi University of Science and Technology becomes a university in the top 100 universities in Asia in the field of engineering and technology, with a reputation in the region and the world for science, technology and innovation; plays an important role in promoting the development of Vietnam's higher education system; makes important contributions to the socio-economic development of Hanoi, the Red River Delta and the whole country.
Investing in the synchronous construction of Hanoi University of Science and Technology's second campus in Hung Yen province
One of the tasks and solutions set forth in the Decision is to expand the space of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, modernize technical infrastructure and facilities to regional standards.
Specifically, investing in the synchronous construction of the second facility, expanding the area and development space of Hanoi University of Science and Technology in Hung Yen province.
Modernize and upgrade facilities and laboratories at the headquarters of Hanoi University of Science and Technology in Hanoi City to serve training and research in key and important fields of engineering and technology.
Invest in building the Innovation Center of Hanoi University of Science and Technology and develop it into the Innovation Center of Hanoi Capital.
Perfecting the development model of Hanoi University of Science and Technology towards autonomy and modernity
In addition, perfecting the development model of Hanoi University of Science and Technology towards autonomy, modernity, international integration, promoting scientific research and innovation.
Enhance research capacity, especially focusing on strategic technology and industry fields, core technology, and digital technology.
Research and propose mechanisms and policies to attract individuals, organizations and businesses to invest in scientific research, technology transfer and innovation.
Perfecting the innovation ecosystem of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, closely integrating with the national innovation ecosystem, creating a dynamic research, innovation and startup environment. Developing a modern Innovation Center of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, connecting with the domestic and international innovation and startup network.
Funding for the implementation of the Project is allocated in the annual state budget expenditure estimates of ministries, branches and localities according to the provisions of the State Budget Law and other legal funding sources according to the provisions of law.
The use of funds to implement the Project shall comply with the provisions of law on decentralization of the state budget, public investment, and financial mechanisms for public service units.
The Ministry of Education and Training presides over and coordinates the development of a plan to implement the Project.
The Deputy Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Education and Training to preside over and coordinate with relevant ministries, agencies, and People's Committees of provinces and cities in the Red River Delta region to develop a plan to implement the Project. Synthesize funding, direct and guide Hanoi University of Science and Technology to develop projects and proposals to carry out the tasks of modernizing facilities, investing in construction and expanding the development space of Hanoi University of Science and Technology in Hung Yen.
The Ministry of Science and Technology assigns tasks and places orders according to science and technology programs and projects to support research to master core technologies and develop technological products of strong research groups, centers and innovative enterprises of Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
The Ministry of Finance shall preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training and relevant ministries, agencies and localities to review, synthesize and submit to competent authorities to arrange state budget funds to implement the tasks of the Project in accordance with the law on state budget, public investment and relevant legal provisions.
The Hanoi People's Committee coordinates with relevant ministries and branches to support Hanoi University of Science and Technology to complete the approval of the 1/500 Planning and develop the infrastructure of the Hanoi University of Science and Technology headquarters in Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi City according to the approved planning, including studying the investment support mechanism to build the Innovation Center to become the Innovation Center of Hanoi Capital.
The People's Committee of Hung Yen province coordinates with relevant ministries and branches to support Hanoi University of Science and Technology to invest in building a second campus and expanding development space in Van Giang district, Hung Yen province, ensuring compliance with relevant planning.
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