(Dan Tri) - A community of people living on retreats - receiving therapy, recovery, and regeneration every day, helping to promote health, intelligence, emotions, creativity, social, and willpower indicators, to become the best version of themselves.
Eco Retreat and its impact on the PQ - IQ - EQ tripod
The trio of PQ (health) - IQ (intelligence) - EQ (emotion) is considered the basic step required to create the premise for further development for each individual. This means that to develop oneself, each person needs to start with good health, thereby promoting intellectual development and enhancing the ability to manage emotions for self-development.
Eco Retreat residents enjoy natural space as a way to heal, restore, and regenerate right at home to promote 6 comprehensive development indicators.
At Eco Retreat, each generation will have a roadmap to nurture or promote the "three-legged tripod" PQ - IQ - EQ appropriately. For young children, the approach level retreat will be nurturing, for teenagers it will be promoting development and for adults and the elderly it will be more about supporting therapy, recovery and regeneration.
Children are nurtured from a young age to develop a set of health, intelligence, and emotional indicators.
Accordingly, retreat children will be nourished physically, mentally and emotionally through gardens in the middle of nature such as: vitamin gardens to increase exposure to fresh sunlight; reading gardens to help children feel and think deeply; exercise gardens for children to freely play with friends and practice emotions through group activities...
In 2025, the Barcelona Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology announced that it had followed 2,500 children in the city for over a year and found that students whose schools had more green space in and around them had better working memory and less distraction. The researchers found that the level of greenery around schools was associated with improved mental capacity for students to continuously process and update information.
Living environment promotes indicators for teenagers.
For teenagers, the therapy that promotes these three indicators will be stronger with the need to exercise, release emotions and develop personal identity. Therefore, in addition to the 8km long waterfront therapeutic forest, teenagers can also retreat in their own private space such as: sports garden - training for flexibility; camping garden - enhancing friendship connections, increasing the ability to learn from each other and manage emotions.
Eco Retreat and its impact on SQ, CQ, AQ
A happy community is built from individuals living happily and healthily. With Ecopark, people are the measure, the center to create an emotional living space. Therefore, the development index of Eco Retreat residents is also expanded to include SQ (social) and CQ (creative).
Experience garden for Eco Retreat residents.
At Eco Retreat, open spaces of nature help residents easily connect with each other, find bridges to increase social interactions, thereby increasing the social index SQ. Not only children, adults or the elderly can easily find community and social connections through activities in open spaces, the main catalyst of which is nature.
Creativity quotient (CQ) is said to improve when people are immersed in nature, thanks to the direct impact on the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing the brain back to a "retreat" state to increase concentration, observation and exploration, stimulating the brain to think deeply and come up with new initiatives.
Being in nature helps increase creativity and problem solving.
A 2012 study from the University of Kansas found that participants who spent just a few days in nature showed a 50% improvement in creativity and problem-solving skills.
At Ecopark Hung Yen - the first urban area of the founder of Ecopark, the living environment connected and in harmony with nature has attracted people of more than 30 nationalities to live together, such as England, France, America, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Korea, Russia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, ...
Live vibrantly and connect with the community at Eco Retreat.
Another plus point for the green living environment, respecting nature at Eco Retreat is the positive impact on AQ index - willpower. AQ is considered one of the important indexes, deciding each person's life when going through important turning points. Reality shows that healthy people, living socially connected, mastering personal emotions will have internal strength, easily accepting difficulties and adversities to adapt and find ways to overcome them.
Research by Edward L. Deci, professor of psychology and director of the human motivation program at the University of Rochester in 2000 with Richard J. Ryan, showed that if people are placed in an environment that helps them develop autonomy and control, such as natural spaces, they will develop self-control and improve their willpower. The feeling of comfort and freedom that nature brings helps people persevere in the face of difficulties and challenges.
The chess garden helps the elderly relax at Eco Retreat.
Research by psychology professor David Strayer and colleagues in 2006 also suggests that when people experience natural environments, they are able to quickly restore mental energy sources, helping them maintain their energy and focus more on long-term tasks or tasks that require perseverance. Natural spaces help restore physical and mental strength, thereby increasing AQ.
Dr. Qing Li, a professor at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo who has spent decades researching the physiological effects of forest environments on the human body, asserts that outdoor activities in forests and natural environments not only improve physical health but also have a great effect in enhancing mental endurance and willpower.
Eco Retreat is located at the western gateway of Ho Chi Minh City, 30 minutes drive from Bach Dang wharf.
According to the founder of Ecopark, the retreat circle model promotes the development of PQ - EQ - SQ - CQ - IQ - AQ indexes, helping residents receive support for therapy, recovery, and regeneration every day, while proactively nurturing, promising a more sustainable community development, especially in the process of Vietnam entering a new era - the era of national growth, in which the factor of comprehensive and sustainable individual development plays a key and pivotal role.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/bat-dong-san/phat-trien-bo-6-chi-so-tro-thanh-phien-ban-tot-nhat-cua-chinh-minh-tai-eco-retreat-20250308214425821.htm
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