1- In our country, the tradition of community cohesion between individual - family - village - country is closely linked to the length of national history and exists to this day. The community spirit in residential areas is an important foundation for democratic and equal relations, the root of the structure and organization of Vietnamese villages. This is expressed through folk songs and proverbs, such as "village love, neighborhood spirit", "when the lights go out, we have each other" - that is the eternal vitality of the Vietnamese people.
The longevity is crystallized by the strong community spirit, linking family members and clans living together in hamlets, villages, and communes. The community spirit among households living in residential areas is vividly and diversely expressed, forming a community mentality based on the community of residence, community of common ownership and interests, community of spirituality and community of culture; each member of the community, in addition to taking care of themselves and their families, is also responsible for ensuring the common interests of other members of the community.
The administrative system in our country is organized into 4 levels, including central, provincial, district, and commune. Thus, commune is the lowest administrative unit in the administrative system; however, residential areas are closest to the people. Currently, in each residential area, an "extended arm" of the political system is being built nationwide, including party organizations (party cells, party cells); government organizations (villages, hamlets, clusters, neighborhoods, etc.); Front and mass organizations (Front Working Committee; women's association; veterans' association; youth and farmers' association, etc.).
The above organizations operate according to their functions, tasks, and operating regulations, all of which are stipulated in the organization's charter; comply with the law, democracy, openness, and transparency; promote the ownership of members in accordance with the provisions of the law to promote the ownership of the community, not separate from or separate from the management of the State on the basis of ensuring the leadership and direction of the Party Committee, the operation of the village chief, the role of gathering and mobilizing the community, and the guidance of the Front Work Committee to promote the self-management role of the people according to the motto: "using the people's strength to take care of the people's lives".
Article 27 of the Charter of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, 9th tenure, specifically stipulates the Front Working Committee as follows: “The Front Working Committee is established in villages, hamlets, villages, hamlets, villages, villages, residential groups, neighborhoods, blocks... (collectively referred to as residential areas). The structure of the Front Working Committee includes: a number of members of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level residing in residential areas; representatives of the Party cell; heads of the Elderly Association, Veterans Association, Farmers Association, Women's Association, Youth Union, Red Cross Association... A number of prominent people from different walks of life, ethnic groups, religions...”. The Front Working Committee has the function of coordinating and unifying actions among its members; coordinating with the village chief (village, hamlet, village), residential group leader... to carry out important local tasks (1) .
The Front Working Committee in residential areas established by the Fatherland Front at the commune level is not a level of the Front but a self-governing organization that performs the task of being an "extended arm" of the Front's work in villages, hamlets, hamlets, villages, and residential groups, etc. It plays an important role in expanding and diversifying forms of gathering people of all walks of life, promoting the role of exemplary people, building self-governing residential communities operating on the basis of village conventions and conventions; mobilizing people to exercise their right to mastery, implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and supervise and provide social criticism according to the Party and State's regulations; and collect people's opinions and aspirations to reflect and make recommendations to the Party and State. Currently, the country has 129,896 Front Working Committees in residential areas, each with an average of 5 members. The total number of members of the Front Working Committee in localities is nearly 650 thousand people.
To carry out its tasks, the Head of the Front Work Committee is responsible for convening and chairing regular meetings once a month and extraordinary meetings when necessary, and the organization of village and residential group conferences is flexibly applied to suit the practical situation at the grassroots level. The basic members of the conference are voters representing households in the village and residential group. Many important issues are discussed and voted on by voters in village and residential group conferences (2) .
The contents of community self-management in residential areas aim to carry out the political tasks of Party building, government building, and building a close relationship between the Party and the people through the "bridge" role of the Front Work Committee in residential areas. Over the years, movements and campaigns launched by the Fatherland Front and its member organizations through the Front Work Committee and mass organizations in residential areas have attracted a large number of people to participate with many creative ways, suitable to the characteristics and psychology of each community (3) .
Carrying out the tasks prescribed in the charter, on the basis of coordination with village chiefs, many Front Work Committees have built self-management models in a number of fields, attracting and gathering a large number of people to participate, arousing the tradition of patriotism, promoting rights and responsibilities, ensuring the people's right to mastery, contributing to improving the material and spiritual life of the community, ensuring social security, and eliminating bad customs.
The Front Work Committee in residential areas has coordinated with mass organizations to develop self-management models in residential areas to bring "the Party's will to the people" to each member of the community, build a core force that grasps the thoughts and aspirations of the people, orients public opinion, helps to consolidate trust, raise awareness among the people, promptly propose and effectively handle complicated cases and matters at the grassroots level, maintain political security, order and social safety, especially in remote areas, border areas, islands, and key areas of security and defense, bringing a peaceful life to the people.
The core members of the self-management model in residential communities are mainly members of the Front Working Committee; mass organizations; and prestigious people in the community who take the lead, gather, and mobilize members, union members, and people in the residential community to voluntarily, enthusiastically participate in implementing many new models and good practices according to the motto "listen to people, speak so that people understand, and do so that people believe".
The Front Working Committee and mass organizations in residential areas nationwide have built 637,534 self-management models, with 23,460,795 members participating under different names in various fields (4) .
Of which, self-management models related to the economic sector have 288,921 models, with 8,956,551 participating members (an average of about 31 members/1 model); self-management models related to the security and order protection sector have 186,935 models, with 6,916,595 participating members (an average of about 37 members/1 model); self-management models related to the environmental protection sector have 87,345 models, with 2,533,005 participating members (an average of 29 members/model); self-management models related to the implementation of a cultural and civilized lifestyle have 67,432 models, with 4,585,376 participating members (an average of 68 members/model); Self-management models related to other fields of activity have 6,901 models, with 469,268 participating members (average 68 members/model) (5) .
The results achieved in the self-management activities of the Front Work Committee in residential areas have contributed to promoting the widespread emulation movement among all classes of people, arousing patriotism, overcoming difficulties, promoting democracy and internal strength of the community, caring for the material and spiritual life of the people, creating social consensus, contributing to the successful implementation of economic, cultural, social, defense and security goals of localities.
2 - In addition to the achieved results, the activities of the Front Work Committee in some localities still have limitations and difficulties, such as the work of advising the Party Committee and Party cells on the development and implementation of the program of coordinated and unified action in some places is still lacking in specificity and initiative. Some Heads of the Front Work Committee have not really been close to the people, close to the people, understood the people, listened to the people to grasp, handle, make recommendations and coordinate to promptly resolve the people's thoughts and aspirations, so the effectiveness is not high. The work of propagating and mobilizing people to participate in movements and campaigns in some residential areas is not very effective, not profound, and still formal. The work of grasping the thoughts and situations of the people is sometimes and in some places not timely. The supervision work only stops at the level of "monitoring - detecting", the content of recommendations is not specific, and has not closely followed the resolution of the relevant agencies on the content of recommendations, so the effectiveness of the work is not high.
The activities of the People's Inspection Committee and the Community Investment Supervision Committee in some localities have not been promoted. The role of coordination and unification of action between the Front Working Committee and the mass organizations and village chiefs in residential areas to mobilize and promote the voluntary, self-awareness, self-management and self-responsibility of the people in the residential community is not unified, overlapping in terms of objects, content and resources, lacking direction, integration and unity between organizations, so there is still a situation of "each person doing their own thing", building too many self-management models, but not promoting efficiency, overlapping in many areas because some places still chase after achievements to ensure the criteria for emulation assessment, operating in the style of "blooming early, fading late, having funds then operating, running out of funds then operating".
The guidance, monitoring and inspection work of the political system at the grassroots level in implementing self-management activities and self-management models still has many limitations; many Front Work Committees have not yet developed operating regulations, criteria or standard frameworks to evaluate the quality of self-management models to attract people's awareness, voluntariness and consensus so that the model can have long-term vitality. Some places still do not clearly understand the self-management model, the content and operation methods of self-management activities in residential areas to promote and effectively implement movements and patriotic emulation campaigns launched by the Fatherland Front and mass organizations.
The professional qualifications of the staff of the Front Work Committee are not high and not uniform; the living allowance for the Head of the Front Work Committee is still low and not suitable, thus not encouraging the Head to actively study and research to improve his/her qualifications, capacity and enthusiasm for work; the operating budget for the Front Work Committee in some localities has not really received attention. The evaluation and awarding of the titles "Cultural residential area" and "Cultural family" still show signs of being insubstantial, not encouraging the self-management and creativity in the work of each person and each family.
3- To continue to improve the effectiveness of the Front Work Committee, promote the role of self-management, solidarity and social consensus of each person, each household and each clan living in residential areas across the country, the political system at all levels needs to pay attention to implementing the following contents:
Firstly , continue to raise awareness and responsibility of Party committees, authorities at all levels, the Fatherland Front, mass organizations and cadres and party members about the position and role of the Front Work Committee in residential areas to continue to deploy and effectively implement the resolutions and action programs of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Congress at all levels for the 2024-2029 term. The political system at all levels, especially the grassroots political system in more than 10,000 communes nationwide, needs to strengthen leadership, direction, and organization of integrating self-management activities in residential areas through the role of the Head of the Front Work Committee to gather and mobilize voluntary, self-awareness, self-determination, self-responsibility, financial autonomy, and create consensus among members of the community. Regarding the scale of organization, the scope and field of operation will be flexible depending on the conditions and practical situation of each locality; Promote the initiative, flexibility and creativity of each community in the work of building conventions and village regulations to create consensus among each person, each family, each clan and the whole community.
Second , build, consolidate and perfect the organization of the Front Working Committee in residential areas to ensure the quantity and structure of members according to regulations. Develop the operating regulations of the Front Working Committee, assign specific tasks to each member; maintain regular meetings once a month, extraordinary meetings when necessary. Regularly innovate the content and methods of operation of the Front Working Committee to deploy emulation movements in a flexible, creative manner, with a focus and key points suitable to local realities, attracting a large number of people to respond and participate. Proactively grasp the situation of people in residential areas, promptly detect conflicts and frustrations among people to have measures to resolve and remove them; regularly "close to the people, close to the people, understand the people, respect the people, listen to what the people say, speak what the people listen to, make the people believe", create unity between "the Party's will and the people's heart", strengthen solidarity, love, care, and help each other, arouse resources among the people "use the people's strength to build a life for the people", use solidarity to promote the strength of all organizations and individuals, take the mobilization, implementation of democracy and openness and transparency in the community as the motto for action.
Third , continue to effectively implement Joint Resolution No. 88/2016/NQLT/CP-DCTUBTWMTQVN, dated October 7, 2016, of the Government and the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, on "Coordination in sustainable poverty reduction, new rural construction, civilized urban areas" and Decree No. 122/2018/ND-CP, dated September 17, 2018, of the Government, "Regulations on considering and awarding the titles of "Cultural Family", "Cultural Village", "Cultural Village", "Cultural Hamlet", "Cultural Village", "Cultural Neighborhood"; promptly resolve difficulties, problems, proposals and recommendations of the people. Create favorable conditions for the Front Work Committee in residential areas to effectively organize the "National Great Unity Day in residential areas" on November 18 every year to contribute to promoting democracy, strengthening solidarity, cohesion, and social consensus among households in residential areas; build, expand, and improve the quality of self-management activities associated with the evaluation, review, commendation, and reward of cultural families and cultural residential areas in residential areas nationwide.
(1) Propagating and mobilizing people to implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws; resolutions of the People's Council, decisions of the People's Committee; action programs of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels; reflecting opinions and recommendations of voters and people in residential areas to the Party Committee and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level; mobilizing people to supervise the activities of state agencies, elected representatives, cadres, civil servants and public employees; coordinating the implementation of laws on democracy at the grassroots level and self-management activities in residential communities.
(2) Such as: production development plans, infrastructure construction, public welfare works, hunger eradication and poverty reduction; maintaining security, order, social safety and environmental sanitation; preserving and promoting fine cultural traditions in the locality; building, maintaining and promoting the titles of "Cultural Village", "Cultural Residential Group", "Advanced Residential Area", "Cultural Family"; preventing and combating social evils and eliminating bad customs; building and implementing regulations, village rules and conventions of villages and residential groups; participating in local campaigns; electing, dismissing, removing, appointing village heads, residential group heads and deputy village heads, deputy residential group heads, members of the People's Inspection Committee, and the Community Investment Supervision Committee.
(3) Typical movements and campaigns such as: "All people unite to build a cultural life in residential areas", now "All people unite to build new rural areas, civilized urban areas", the "For the Poor" Fund Campaign, launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front; the "Creative Labor" and "Ensuring Labor Safety and Hygiene" campaigns launched by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; the "Good at public work, good at housework" campaigns, "Green - Clean - Beautiful", "Women actively study, work creatively, build happy families" launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union...
(4) Such as: "Residential areas ensuring traffic safety and order", "Residential areas preventing and fighting crimes", "Residential areas protecting the environment", "Healthy residential areas without social evils and crimes"; "Model residential areas, model gardens"; "Clean villages, beautiful fields"; "Lighting up the countryside"; "Roads with flowers, houses with numbers"; the model of "Savings fund for new rural construction" and household linkage models, such as "Inter-family groups", "Self-management groups", "Reconciliation groups", "Families and clans without criminals or social evils", "People's security groups", "Women's groups collecting and classifying waste", the model of "Eliminate 1 hungry household, reduce 1 poor household", the model of "Rice jars for the poor".
(5) Project on building a self-management model in residential areas of the Party Delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in 2020.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/phat-huy-truyen-thong-doan-ket-dong-thuan-cua-cac-tang-lop-nhan-dan-thong-qua-vai-tro-cua-ban-cong-toc-mat-tran-10284599.html
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