On the afternoon of April 15, Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee held an online conference for the whole province to summarize the implementation of the Campaign to support housing for people living on the river and launch the Campaign to support housing construction for poor households, policy households, and households with housing difficulties in the province in the two years 2024-2025. At the conference, comrade Do Trong Hung, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, delivered an important speech. Thanh Hoa Newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of the speech.
Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung delivered a concluding speech at the conference. Photo: Minh Hieu
Dear provincial leaders!
Dear delegates!
Dear Conference!
After a period of working with a spirit of urgency, seriousness and high responsibility, the Conference to summarize the implementation of the Movement to support housing for people living on the river and launch the Movement to support housing construction for poor households, policy households, and households with housing difficulties in the province in the 2 years of 2024-2025, has completed the proposed program content. This is an event of profound humanistic significance, a practical work, organized right after the Central Government launched the emulation movement of the whole country joining hands to "eliminate temporary houses and dilapidated houses" nationwide.
On behalf of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, I highly appreciate the Party committees, authorities, departments, branches, sectors, the Fatherland Front and organizations from the province to the grassroots level, religious dignitaries, businesses, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists who arranged their time to attend the conference in full, contributed many enthusiastic and responsible opinions and valuable material support, bringing a spirit of solidarity, unity, and high determination to successfully carry out the Movement.
On this occasion, I would like to send my warmest regards and best wishes to the provincial leaders, religious dignitaries, distinguished delegates and all cadres, party members, civil servants and public employees attending the Conference at the Provincial Party Committee and other bridge points in the whole province!
Dear Conference!
Solidarity is a precious tradition, a unique cultural feature and a great strength of our nation, forged through thousands of years of history. Since ancient times, Vietnamese people have always been proud of their origin "Father Dragon, Mother Fairy" from the same sac giving birth to a hundred eggs and hatching a hundred children. How sacred is the meaning of the two words FELLOW COUNTRYMEN. That affirms that all ethnic groups living in our country are born from the same mother. The lesson of solidarity, love, mutual support and assistance is also conveyed in the touching folk songs: "Many red silk covers the mirror/ People in the same country must love each other", "Gourd, love the squash, although different in species, they are on the same trellis"...
Right from the time the country gained independence, amidst the hustle and bustle of work when facing "internal and external enemies", the situation was like "a thousand pounds hanging by a thread", the beloved President Ho Chi Minh paid special attention and concern to the lives of the people. He believed that poverty was as dangerous an enemy as ignorance and foreign invaders: "We have won freedom and independence, but if people still starve and freeze to death, freedom and independence are useless. People only know the value of freedom and independence when they have enough to eat and wear." He initiated and set an example in implementing the "rice jar to save the hungry" movement, with the noble act of "fasting one meal a week". He called for " When we hold a bowl of rice to eat, thinking of the poor and hungry, we cannot help but feel sad... " The "rice jar to save the hungry" movement was strongly launched in all localities, collecting a large amount of food to save the hungry, promptly solving the urgent needs of the people.
Promoting that precious tradition, throughout the process of construction and development, in addition to focusing on implementing socio-economic development tasks, the Party Committee, government, and people of all ethnic groups in our province have always been united, paying special attention to mobilizing all resources to care for and support production development, ensuring social security, helping the poor, people in difficult circumstances, policy beneficiaries, and vulnerable people in society to rise up in life. In particular, supporting housing construction is one of the activities with profound humanistic significance, becoming a widespread movement, helping the poor and people with housing difficulties to "settle down and make a living", gradually rising up to escape poverty sustainably. From 2015 to now, in the context of many difficulties, the whole province has arranged and mobilized more than 360 billion VND to support and build over 8,000 new houses; renovating and repairing nearly 800 houses for the poor, meritorious people, and policy beneficiaries. All levels, sectors, mass organizations, enterprises, and philanthropists have implemented many housing support programs for the poor and disadvantaged, which have been highly appreciated and agreed upon by the people and society. Thousands of "Houses of Gratitude", "Great Solidarity" houses, "Union Shelters", "Shelters of Love", "Veteran Gratitude" houses, "Red Scarf" houses... have been built, bringing hope for a better life to people in all regions of the province.
Over the past 2 years, thanks to the attention, leadership, and drastic and synchronous implementation of Party committees at all levels, authorities, the Fatherland Front, and political organizations in the province; the effective participation of the entire political system, organizations, businesses, and people; and the active and responsible participation of religious organizations, Bishops, and priests of Thanh Hoa Diocese; therefore, the "Movement to support housing for people living on the river" has achieved extremely important results. Localities have promptly reviewed, propagated, and mobilized each household to agree and actively work with Party committees and authorities to implement the province's major policy; at the same time, urgently made plans, accelerated the progress of land allocation, arranged nearly 19 billion VND to invest in infrastructure of resettlement areas and points, and supported housing construction for households. To date, 182 households, accounting for 99.5% of the total number of households living on the river in 07 districts and cities that meet the conditions, have been granted land without payment and supported with housing construction costs of more than 52.4 billion VND.
Along with supporting housing construction, localities have paid attention to reviewing and issuing poor and near-poor household books, implementing the Health Insurance policy; encouraging and motivating children of families of school age to actively participate in learning; at the same time, implementing plans to ensure livelihoods, promoting support for career conversion, enhancing consultation, connection, and creating jobs for people in industrial and handicraft production establishments; paying attention to allocating agricultural land, encouraging households to increase production; thereby, gradually helping people settle down, develop family economy, and soon stabilize their lives in the new land.
It can be affirmed that the implementation of the Campaign to support housing for people living on the river is a timely and correct policy of the Province, a very meaningful work, demonstrating the spirit of "Mutual love and support", practically responding to the movement " The whole country joins hands for the poor - No one is left behind ".
In that general result, the Mass Mobilization Committee and the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels have promoted their core role, an important bridge, mobilizing the strength of the great national unity bloc to actively respond and participate in the Movement, together with all levels and sectors in the province to successfully complete the set goals.
To achieve the success of the Campaign, we cannot fail to mention the contributions and support of the Bishop, priests and the Caritas Committee of Thanh Hoa Catholic Diocese, Long Son Cement Company Limited, philanthropists, families and clans with responsibility, affection, and noble gestures, actively participating in supporting resources, accompanying the Party Committees and authorities in the province to support and motivate the people living on the river to rise up and build a new life.
On behalf of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, I highly appreciate the efforts of all levels, sectors and localities; sincerely thank the sentiments, responsibilities and support of religious dignitaries and benefactors who have contributed to the success of the Campaign; warmly commend the collectives and individuals who have had many achievements and were honored and rewarded at today's Conference !
Dear delegates!
In addition to the achieved results, our Conference also frankly acknowledged that the implementation of the Movement to support housing for people living on the river over the past 2 years still has some limitations as analyzed and evaluated in the Report and opinions presented at the Conference. Notably, the work of reviewing, verifying and synthesizing data on households living on the river in some localities is not scientific, still inaccurate, and has to be done many times, affecting the progress of implementation. The mobilization of funds to support poor households to build houses has not created a large movement, attracting resources to participate, especially support resources from businesses and philanthropists. The support for livelihoods and job creation for people after going ashore in some localities has not met the requirements, only stopping at labor statistics, not effectively organizing job training, connecting workers with production and business establishments...
The main reason is that some local Party committees and authorities sometimes and in some places do not fully understand the purpose and meaning of the Movement; lack determination in leading, directing, and organizing the implementation of the policies of the Standing Committee and the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.
At this Conference, I propose that all levels, sectors and localities seriously acknowledge the limitations in order to jointly consider and find solutions to overcome them, create unity in leadership, direction and organization of implementation to ensure smooth and effective implementation of the Campaign to support housing construction for poor households, policy households and households with housing difficulties in the province in the coming time.
Dear delegates! Dear Conference!
Trusting the people, caring for the people, and taking the people as the foundation are great lessons drawn from the depths of history. Throughout the process of leading the revolution, our Party has no other purpose, all for the happiness of the people. The Party's strength originates from the people, one of the greatest driving forces of the Party is the people's trust, so bringing happiness to the people is the most effective way to continue to consolidate the Party's position and leadership role towards the nation.
For our province, in recent years, along with thoroughly grasping and implementing the viewpoint: "Socio-economic development is the center; Party building is the key; cultural development is the spiritual foundation of society; ensuring national defense and security is essential and regular" ; the Party Committee, government, and people of all ethnic groups in our province have united, highly determined, made great efforts, acted resolutely, and achieved many important and comprehensive results in all fields. The economy has grown strongly; the quality of growth has been improved; and people's lives have been constantly improved.
However, in addition to the achieved results, a part of the people in the province still face many difficulties; the whole province still has over 35,000 poor households, nearly 55,800 near-poor households. Poor households and households with housing difficulties still account for a large number; meanwhile, every year the province must regularly bear the severe consequences of natural disasters, storms, floods, landslides, etc., especially in mountainous districts, remote areas, causing many households to lose their homes and have difficulty finding a place to "settle down". Although the Central Government, all levels and sectors in the province have paid attention and allocated many resources for hunger eradication, poverty reduction, land support, and housing construction for poor households and policy beneficiaries, due to limited resources, they have not been able to meet all the needs of the people.
Therefore, in order to mobilize the highest resources from society, along with the State's resources to support the construction of houses for poor households, policy households, and households with housing difficulties in the province; on March 30, 2024, the Provincial Party Standing Committee issued Directive No. 22-CT/TU on the Campaign to support the construction of houses for poor households, policy households, and households with housing difficulties in the province in the 2 years of 2024-2025, with the goal of striving by September 30, 2025, the whole province will have at least 5,000 poor households, policy households, and households with housing difficulties supported to build and repair houses, contributing practically to welcoming the Party Congresses at all levels, towards the 20th Provincial Party Congress, term 2025 - 2030.
To accomplish that great goal, promptly support the construction of houses for households with housing difficulties in the province, help people have stable housing, feel secure in working, producing, developing the economy, rising out of poverty sustainably and getting rich legitimately, I propose that Party committees at all levels, authorities, the Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations in the province focus on implementing the following contents well:
Firstly, thoroughly grasp, focus on leading, directing, organizing and implementing well Directive No. 22-CT/TU of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee "On the Campaign to support housing construction for poor households, policy households, and households with housing difficulties in the province in 2024 - 2025", with the highest determination, greatest effort and most practical efficiency. This must be considered an important task, of great political and social significance, a regular and continuous task of Party committees, authorities, the entire political system and the whole society in 2024 and 2025. Localities urgently establish steering committees at district and commune levels and establish mobilization committees in villages, hamlets, and residential groups; Develop and implement a synchronous and unified implementation plan for Directive No. 22 of your level and unit in accordance with the practical situation, striving to achieve the highest results of the Movement's goals.
Immediately after this conference, the agencies and units directed to incorporate the content of Directive No. 22-CT/TU of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee into the activities of Party committees and Party cells to disseminate, thoroughly understand and promptly implement. Organize the integration of the content of the Campaign with the Special Topic on studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle in 2024 "On building awareness of respecting the People, promoting democracy, constantly improving the material and spiritual life of the People in Thanh Hoa province", creating a strong spread throughout the Provincial Party Committee.
Second, promote propaganda and widely disseminate the content, purpose and meaning of the Campaign through various forms, especially propaganda on mass media and social networks, creating high consensus in the entire political system and spreading widely throughout society to organize and implement, achieving real results, for the prosperous and happy life of the People. Do a good job of propaganda and mobilizing organizations, businesses, philanthropists, cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, union members, association members, and people of all walks of life about the good meaning of the Campaign, promoting the spirit of "mutual love and support", joining hands, contributing, and accompanying local Party committees and authorities to help poor households and policy households soon have stable and safe housing. In the immediate future, it is necessary to mobilize maximum resources, encourage households, relatives in the clan, and in residential areas to actively participate in contributing human and material resources to complete the construction and repair of houses for people.
Third, localities should focus on and effectively carry out the investigation, review, and grasp the number of poor households, policy households, and households with housing difficulties in the area that need support from the Campaign, ensuring accuracy and correct targets. Implement publicity and democracy in evaluating and classifying targets, developing specific plans and implementation roadmaps according to the set schedule; prioritize support for policy households, ethnic minorities, mountainous areas, areas where natural disasters, storms and floods frequently occur, etc. Mobilize all resources from society to the fullest extent to complete the Campaign's goals as soon as possible; receive, manage, allocate, and use support and sponsorship sources to ensure publicity, transparency, and compliance with the law, and absolutely prevent policy exploitation.
Fourthly, all levels, sectors and localities continue to synchronously and effectively implement policies and strategies on sustainable poverty reduction in the province, especially the three National Target Programs for the period 2021-2025. The Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee leads the Provincial People's Committee to accelerate the implementation of the Project "Arranging and stabilizing residents in areas at high risk of flash floods, landslides in mountainous districts of the province for the period 2021-2025" ; effectively direct the implementation of programs, projects and housing support projects for poor households, near-poor households, ethnic minorities and mountainous areas using support sources from the State budget; coordinate and effectively use socialized resources from the Campaign to ensure compliance with regulations and meet the set goals.
In addition to providing material assistance to solve the immediate problem of housing shortage and pressing issues in life, it is necessary to research and fully and effectively implement solutions and plans to solve employment, support vocational training, equip knowledge and skills in production and business, and create livelihoods for people to actively work, develop production, escape poverty, get rich and return to support the community. Resolutely and regularly implement propaganda and education solutions to change awareness, promote the will to be self-reliant, self-reliant and the aspiration to escape poverty sustainably, because the poor themselves decide their future lives.
Fifth, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations from the province to the grassroots strongly promote their core role, calling on organizations and individuals inside and outside the province to support funding and necessary resources to support housing construction for people. Coordinate with Party committees, authorities, and relevant agencies to regularly monitor, inspect, urge, and supervise the implementation. Grasp the thoughts, aspirations, reflections, and recommendations of the people to advise the Provincial Steering Committee and localities to supplement and adjust measures and solutions, striving to achieve the highest results in the objectives of the Campaign.
Dear Conference!
Imbued with the viewpoint of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong " The happiest person is the one who brings happiness to many people ", on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee - People's Council - People's Committee - Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Thanh Hoa province, I call on organizations, enterprises, collectives, individuals, all classes of people, Thanh Hoa people inside and outside the province with their kind hearts, to join hands, contribute efforts, those who have money contribute money, those who have merit contribute merit, those who have little contribute little, those who have much contribute much, determined, striving to successfully implement the goal of the Campaign to support the construction of houses for poor households, policy households, households with housing difficulties in the province. The common level of striving is: Cadres, civil servants, public employees, soldiers of the armed forces, those receiving salaries from the state budget, each person contributes at least one day's salary; comrades in leadership and management each person contributes at least one month's salary; workers and laborers contribute at least one day's income; Union members, youth and teenagers save to help at least 50,000 VND; each household with an average or higher standard of living supports at least 100,000 VND.
We sincerely thank and express our deep gratitude to all the kindness and noble deeds so that families with meritorious services, the poor and the disadvantaged can have an increasingly prosperous and happy life.
Finally, I wish the provincial leaders, delegates, cadres, party members, civil servants, employees, workers and people in the province good health, happiness and success! May our Movement achieve many successful results!
Thank you very much!
(*) Headline of Thanh Hoa Newspaper Editorial Board
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