The Resolution of the 22nd Provincial Party Congress, term 2020-2025 emphasized: "Promoting the historical and cultural values of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital; comprehensively developing culture - society; attaching importance to grassroots culture, building a civilized lifestyle; preserving and promoting heritage values". This demonstrates the province's high political determination in promoting cultural values associated with the strength of Ninh Binh people in the new period, and at the same time is the basis for all levels, sectors, localities and units to pay attention to and build culture into a strong driving force, an endogenous strength for comprehensive development of political, economic and social fields.
Accordingly, in order to turn cultural policies and viewpoints into practical actions, inspiring cultural development, many specific programs and plans have been implemented. In 2021, the Provincial People's Committee issued Plan No. 90 on cultural and sports development in Ninh Binh province for the period 2021-2025; The Department of Culture and Sports has implemented the Project to build cultural products to promote the cultural and historical values of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital to serve tourism development for the period 2021-2025; Project "Preserving and promoting the historical, cultural values, and fine traditions of the people and land of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital for the period 2021-2030".
From 2021 to present, the province has invested more than 132 billion VND to renovate and embellish historical and cultural relics. The regular expenditure budget has been increased, creating a solid foundation for the province's cultural development, while demonstrating the determination to develop culture - the strength of Ninh Binh province.
Although there was a period of being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a number of cultural and sports activities having to be suspended or adjusted in time, and many new tasks arising outside the plan, however, when the pandemic was basically controlled, from 2021 to now, many important events have taken place in the province such as: Organizing the Opening Ceremony of the National Tourism Year - Hoa Lu Festival 2021; Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the title of Ninh Binh (1822 - 2022) and the 30th anniversary of the re-establishment of the province (April 1, 1992 - April 1, 2022); Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage and welcoming the Director General of UNESCO; Ninh Binh Xam Singing Festival 2022; The 3rd "Hoa Lu Beauty" Contest; Ninh Binh Festival 2022 - Trang An connecting heritage; Organize activities to celebrate the 1,055th anniversary of Dai Co Viet State (968 - 2023); Scientific conference "Ancient Ninh Binh pottery - tradition and modernity"... Through that, promote the strength of culture in the historical process, in the current context; provide many suggestions and positive solutions to promote cultural development on par with economics and politics in the general development of society.
Along with that, a series of programs, activities and specific actions in the fields of culture, arts and social life have taken place vigorously. Both the political system and the people have a clearer sense of the cultural values and meanings that have been and are being spread. Art and sports groups and teams have been established and regularly organized, contributing to the exploitation and preservation of folk songs, folk dances and traditional folk performances, creating a healthy playground for everyone and nurturing the talents of young people. Many models of preserving and promoting traditional cultural and artistic values have been maintained and operated effectively.
Currently, in the province, 142/143 communes, wards and towns have cultural houses (reaching 99.3%), 140/143 communes, wards and towns have sports areas (reaching 97.9%), 1,601/1,679 (reaching 95.35%) villages, hamlets, villages, residential groups and streets have cultural houses attached to sports grounds and sports areas. The system of playgrounds for physical education and sports activities, children's playgrounds has been consolidated, renovated and upgraded with 685 badminton courts, 212 basic sports grounds, 450 football fields, 75 tennis courts, 437 volleyball courts, 148 basketball courts, 96 single-sport training and competition houses, 43 multi-sport training and competition houses, etc.
The movement of the whole people uniting to build a cultural life, especially the movement of building a cultural family, has entered life and become a regular activity in the community. Thereby, many good traditional cultural values of the nation have been preserved and promoted, contributing to building a healthy cultural life in the community. In 2022, the whole province had 91.86% of families achieving the title of cultural family; 97.56% of residential areas achieving the title of cultural; 850/1,085 (78.34%) agencies, units and enterprises were recognized as cultural... Attention has been paid to the conservation of cultural heritage.
The Department of Culture and Sports has developed a dossier to propose inclusion in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List such as: "Non Khe Village Newspaper Festival" in Yen Tu Commune, Yen Mo District and "Kim Son Sedge Craft" in Kim Son District; "Ninh Hai Lace Craft" in Ninh Hai Commune, Hoa Lu District and "Kim Son Cuisine", "Mo Muong in Ninh Binh Province"; Coordinated to develop a National Scientific Dossier on Mo Muong Cultural Heritage to submit to UNESCO for inclusion in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Protection of Humanity.
In coordination with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Thai Binh province, Hanoi National University built a national scientific dossier on the cultural heritage "Red River Delta Cheo Art".
Successfully coordinated the organization of scientific seminars "Research, preservation and promotion of the heritage value of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital"; "Ninh Binh in the historical process and the cause of innovation"; "Current situation and solutions to preserve and promote the value of intangible cultural heritage of Xam singing art in Ninh Binh"...
On the way to successfully implementing the Resolution of the 22nd Provincial Party Congress and the Resolution of the Party Congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term, the Department of Culture and Sports strives to complete a number of key targets and tasks by 2025 such as: The rate of cultural families reaches 90%; the rate of cultural residential areas reaches 92%; the rate of cultural agencies, units and enterprises reaches 80%; the rate of communes and wards with cultural houses reaches 98.5%; the rate of residential areas with cultural houses reaches 97%; 20-25 relics are restored and embellished every year; the number of relics ranked at the provincial and national levels from 2021 to 2025 is 40 relics; completing the "Project for conservation, embellishment, archaeological excavation and promotion of historical and cultural values of the Hoa Lu Ancient Capital National Special Relic Site"...
Identifying that cultural spirit is the guiding principle in the implementation process and continues to be exploited, created, and applied in practice, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province, building the homeland of Ninh Binh to innovate, integrate, and maintain sustainable cultural values in the development process.
Hanh Chi
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