Kinhtedothi-Vietnam has a great foundation to realize the aspiration of bringing the country to prosperity and power in the New Era - the Era of national rise; the internal strength that has been affirmed in revolutionary periods is still the decisive factor.
Vietnam has a great foundation to realize the aspiration of bringing the country to prosperity and power in the New Era - the Era of national development; the internal strength that has been affirmed in revolutionary periods is still the decisive factor. Therefore, more than ever, we must turn everything we have into advantages, to bring the country to develop even more strongly. Those are the things that Professor, Doctor of Science, People's Teacher Vu Minh Giang emphasized in an interview with reporters of the Economic and Urban Newspaper before the New Year of At Ty 2025.
Accumulate enough potential to enter the "take-off" phase
On the eve of preparations for Party Congresses at all levels leading up to the 14th National Party Congress, General Secretary To Lam sent out a message about “The Era of Rising of the Vietnamese Nation” as a call to arms, urging the spirit of action, innovation, daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility for the common good to realize the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country. As a researcher, what is your opinion on this issue?
- For any country or nation, the development process often takes place in two forms, one is normal sequential development, sometimes up and sometimes down, but still progressing according to the schedule, time is nothing special; the other is breakthrough development with strong steps forward. General Secretary To Lam used the word "stretching" as a move beyond the normal level, different from leisurely, sequential without any special efforts. When the General Secretary repeatedly mentioned "Vietnam is facing a new historical moment, a new era - the era of national growth", it implied that the country is entering a breakthrough phase with a higher speed, with a stronger intensity, at the same time facing more difficulties and challenges.
In my opinion, the General Secretary wants to send to the entire Party and people a message that arouses the desire for strong development and calls on the whole country to be ready to accept all the difficulties and challenges on the way forward. A strong country and a prosperous society have been the wishes of the entire nation for generations. Right from the days of gaining independence, in a letter to teachers and students on the occasion of the opening of the new school year 1945 - 1946, President Ho Chi Minh once said: "Whether the Vietnamese mountains and rivers can reach the stage of glory or not, whether the Vietnamese people can reach the stage of glory to stand shoulder to shoulder with the great powers of the five continents or not, depends on your studies". Clearly, that aspiration continues to burn in both leaders and people as we stand on the threshold of 2025 and one year before the threshold of the 14th National Party Congress, preparing for the take-off stage. The determination of the Party and State leaders on new goals in the upcoming development period of the country has attracted and inspired many people, increased the strength of the nation, and created a mindset for the entire population to be ready to enter a breakthrough and develop remarkably.
Positioning the country to enter the New Era is the achievements after 40 years of renovation, so what are the development milestones in recent years that you find most impressive?
- First of all, we must see that, with great internal strength, after 40 years of implementing the renovation process, Vietnam has gradually affirmed its prestige, role and position in the international arena. According to statistics, Vietnam has now risen to the Top 40 leading economies, with a trade scale in the Top 20 countries in the world, an important link in 16 FTAs connecting with 60 key economies in the region and globally. Vietnam has established diplomatic relations with 193 United Nations member countries, has strategic partnerships and comprehensive partnerships with 30 countries, including all major countries and is an active member of over 70 regional and international organizations. Vietnam has not only affirmed its important role as an important part of the global economy, an official member of many major international organizations, but has also been actively and responsibly contributing to common international issues. At the same time, it is a destination and venue for many major political, economic and cultural events in the region and the world...
It can be said that the overall strength of the country has increased as we enter the "big playground". The national credit rating and international position and prestige are not only a great source of pride, but also create new opportunities and fortunes, a foundation for Vietnam to continue to prosper with important historical milestones of the country in 2030 and 2045. Those achievements are like we have completed the runway, built the infrastructure, and accumulated enough potential to enter the breakthrough stage.
Along with the indicators of economic growth and social development, I am very impressed with the value of our national brand. According to the assessment of the world's leading brand valuation consultancy - Brand Finance, Vietnam's brand value in 2024 ranked 32nd out of 193 countries assessed, reaching 507 billion USD, up 1 rank and 2% increase in value compared to 2023. Thus, the value of our national brand has surpassed the GDP scale (expected to reach 450 billion USD in 2024). What is special is that in recent years, Vietnam has been assessed as the country with the fastest growth rate in national brand rankings in the world (in the period 2019 - 2022, it increased by 74%) and has been continuously assessed as a bright spot in the picture of building and developing global national brands. The leaders of the Vietnamese Party and State have repeatedly sent out messages affirming that building a national brand is a task of special importance, both urgent and strategic, with a wide scope, many things to do with great impact and influence, and requiring the participation and efforts of the entire political system, all levels, sectors, localities, people, especially the business community and entrepreneurs.
At the same time, in the period of breakthrough and advancement, overcoming oneself is the biggest challenge. To prepare for the realization of new development goals, from the Central to the localities, a revolution is being carried out in the arrangement and streamlining of the apparatus in the political system. If we use an image, we can consider this as a movement to "reinforce" the body of the organization to be firmer, sharper, more effective, to meet the development with a much stronger acceleration than usual.
Turn everything you have into an international competitive advantage
So it can be said that after the 14th Congress, the country will enter a new phase in the process of construction and development. With many major orientations, we are turning challenges into opportunities, turning what we have into competitive advantages. In your opinion, what policies are needed to achieve the goals?
- As we know, the Central Committee has determined the breakthrough based on resources such as infrastructure, institutions, human resources, etc. Personally, I am first interested in the transformation from the State management style with rigid principles to a creative and effective national governance mindset. This must start from awareness. In management, the word "doing right" is considered a measure of work, so managers always take the words in legal documents as the "golden rule". However, in practice, if only based on the words, the provisions in the law or legal documents can never be covered, so the creativity of managers is very necessary. Doing right must aim at the goal of effectively exploiting and maximizing resources. Rigid State management is the fastest way to destroy development. Our country is integrating very quickly with the world, so we must improve technical solutions in management and administration; At the same time, there is a digital transformation process for the entire system from politics to society and economy. This is strengthening through technology and we are actively doing it.
When we enter the stage of breakthrough, there must be a breakthrough; and to make a breakthrough, there must be truly talented people in terms of leadership, management and public service implementation. Therefore, another key issue is still the human issue, the focus of which must be on the talent strategy, the force leading society. I think we need to maximize the resources from talents, so that the country can stand shoulder to shoulder with the world powers. We have talked a lot about this issue, have focused on nurturing talents, but in my opinion, we should look at it more realistically. In order to exploit the elite resources, the contributions of talented people, the first and most fundamental thing is to sincerely use talented people, then talented people will come; mechanisms, policies, processes, and regulations are just supplementary means; and since they are policies, they are made by people, people can also change them to suit.
In my opinion, we must cherish and effectively exploit many types of resources, including intellectual resources, thereby creating initiatives and intellectual solutions, one of the important, pioneering driving forces that determines the speed, level and quality of development of each country.
So, along with the use of talented people, the building and development of human resources is also an important driving force, a decisive factor in the construction and development of the country in the coming period. In your opinion, what should be noted about this issue, especially in the current conditions of deep integration?
- I think that the thinking of developing the country in a breakthrough, creative and sustainable way must start from culture and people. The problem is how we can apply everything that the Vietnamese people have into an international competitive advantage - turning internal strength into an invisible but invincible force to be able to move the nation forward. First of all, looking from the perspective of people - the most valuable and endless resource, one of the important factors determining the success or failure in the socio-economic development of the country. Vietnamese people in the country as well as around the world have proven their intelligence, talent, agility, flexibility, agility, and ability to handle situations through their achievements, contributing to the world in many fields, it is time to maximize this valuable resource. This is an extremely favorable factor in today's situation, when the world is increasingly developing according to the integration trend and the technological change cycle is increasingly shortening. At the same time, to promote resources, people must further promote their central role in all decisions. That is, people must be able to participate in important work, contribute to the great cause of the country and enjoy the results in a proportionate and complete manner.
Another thing, for the country to develop and move forward strongly, the most important thing is the aspiration and determination of the Vietnamese people. The development of a person as well as of a nation will never happen without the two words aspiration. Therefore, aspiration must be understood as an internal motivation, an internal force that spontaneously promotes the striving to rise up. In particular, the internal strength of the nation is also the will of the entire nation, at this time the will to revive the country in the direction of development, not accepting poverty and backwardness. That will permeates every person, every family, every collective, every level of leadership and management, that is the great strength that brings the Vietnamese nation forward. Many international scholars, after studying the history of the Vietnamese nation, had to exclaim: "extraordinary nation". Extraordinary is one of the characteristics of Vietnamese history and culture, it is not simply the miraculous victories against powerful empires in the wars to protect the country, against the unusual anger of nature, that extraordinary is the formation of a solid community to overcome challenges. The extraordinary of tradition creates the strength of Vietnam, helping the nation overcome all challenges, firmly continuing to move forward.
Through studying the history and development process of the country in recent years, what do you personally expect from the next steps in the New Era - the Era of national growth?
- We have overcome many difficult periods of the country such as war, severe economic crisis that seemed to have no way out, but we have overcome, risen up, become a country with the position it has today, an international position that makes any Vietnamese person proud. In my opinion, the two words "confidence" are what Vietnamese people need most today. Confidence in the strength of their nation, confidence in their future and confidence in their ability. A nation must believe in its future, only then can that nation reach the pinnacle of the future.
In my opinion, looking at the country's development today, every Vietnamese person is very optimistic and confident about the future, because we are mobilizing internal resources well in the development stages. The year 2024 ends with great achievements, accumulating more potentials, creating momentum for a breakthrough in 2025 with higher development requirements in terms of both economic development means and further enhancing the position - soft power of Vietnam. Turning everything we have into advantages in international competition will certainly realize the aspirations of the whole nation, soon bringing the country into the ranks of developed countries in the world to be able to "stand shoulder to shoulder with the powers of the five continents".
Thank you very much!
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