Front and back of Lang Biang camellia leaves - Photo: Phuoc Binh National Park
On the morning of March 27, the Phuoc Binh National Park Management Board announced that it had just discovered the Lang Biang yellow camellia appearing in the wild in the forest area of this national park.
Discovered Lang Biang yellow camellia while patrolling the forest
Mr. Nao Duy Phap - engineer of the science and nature conservation department of Phuoc Binh National Park - said that the department's staff discovered it while patrolling the forest.
Lang Biang yellow camellia, scientifically known as Camellia langbianensis, is an extremely rare plant species belonging to the tea family (Theaceae). This is a small tree or evergreen shrub, 3-5 meters tall.
According to Phuoc Binh National Park, Lang Biang yellow camellia is classified as critically endangered according to the standards of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and is also included in the Vietnam Red Book.
This species has a narrow distribution range, appearing only in some areas with special ecological conditions. Vietnam is one of two countries (along with China) that records the yellow camellia species in nature. Of which, the Lang Biang yellow camellia species is endemic to Lam Dong province.
"The discovery of this plant species in the wild (newly discovered in one location) is very important, opening up many opportunities in research and biodiversity conservation in Phuoc Binh National Park," said Mr. Phap.
Flowers of Lang Biang Camellia tree - Photo: Phuoc Binh National Park
Has high medicinal value
According to the Phuoc Binh National Park Management Board, compounds of yellow tea flowers belonging to the Camellia genus have the ability to inhibit the growth of tumors and help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
In addition, this tea also has the ability to reduce symptoms of atherosclerosis due to fatty blood, regulate blood pressure and treat cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, tumors...
In addition to its medicinal values, Lang Biang yellow flower tea also has potential applications in the cosmetic field thanks to its natural ingredients that are beneficial to the skin. It is an important ingredient in skin and hair care products and has high value in landscape decoration and as a rare ornamental plant.
Lang Biang yellow camellia tree trunk recorded by Phuoc Binh National Park - Photo: Phuoc Binh National Park
Currently, the Phuoc Binh National Park Management Board is conducting in-depth research on the ecological and genetic characteristics of Lang Biang yellow camellia, while implementing measures to conserve and propagate, protect the habitat and raise public awareness in the protection of forests and natural ecosystems.
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