Starting the day with health news , readers can also read more articles: Depression in men: Feeling lost, struggling with stress; Signs when standing up warning of diabetes ; Discovering more good news for tea lovers...
Health benefits of egg whites
Egg whites are said to be rich in nutrients, help build muscle, and reduce visceral fat.
Egg whites are the liquid inside the egg, which forms around the yolk. Both egg whites and yolks are healthy because they are very nutritious. Egg whites in particular are high in protein.
Here are the health benefits of egg whites.
Egg whites provide essential amino acids important for health.
Nutrition in egg whites. In the egg white of a 34 gram egg contains 17.7 calories, 3.64 grams of protein, fat, starch, selenium, vitamin B2.
Egg whites provide all the essential amino acids important for human health that the body cannot produce on its own.
Amino acids serve as the basic building blocks of proteins, which are needed to build bones, muscles, and skin. Amino acids also play an important role in compounds such as hormones and neurotransmitters.
Selenium in egg whites is an important nutrient for reproduction, thyroid function, and DNA production. Selenium also helps protect the body from infection and cell damage.
Increase muscle mass and strength. According to research, consuming egg whites daily for 8 weeks (equivalent to 8 grams of egg white protein per day), combined with regular exercise, helps increase muscle mass in the arms and legs of women over 55 years old. In addition, it also increases muscle strength for activities. Readers can read more about this article on the health page on June 3.
Signs when standing up warn of diabetes
Many people have diabetes but do not know it. In many cases, they are forced to go to the hospital or see a doctor for a health reason. At this time, the patient knows that he has diabetes. There are signs of diabetes that will appear when we suddenly stand up.
A study by Semmelweis University (Hungary) found that people with type 2 diabetes are six times more likely to develop neuropathy. This condition causes nerve damage and can affect other parts of the body, such as the feet, kidneys, or muscles.
Dizziness when standing up suddenly can be a warning sign of type 2 diabetes
The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology, analyzed the results of physical examinations of 44 people at high risk of diabetes and 28 healthy people. The team also measured their heart rates and tested their bodies’ responses to pain, burning, and numbness. The results showed that people at high risk of diabetes were 5.9 times more likely to have peripheral neuropathy than healthy people.
Experts say dizziness, especially when sitting for a long time and then standing up, can be an early warning sign of peripheral neuropathy. At the same time, this symptom is also a warning sign of diabetes risk. The next content of this article will be on the health page on June 3.
More good news for tea lovers
Drinking tea has countless health benefits. Now, a new study published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes , has discovered another surprising benefit of drinking tea.
That is, drinking tea may help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, thanks to its rich flavonoid content.
Tea helps reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, thanks to its rich flavonoid content
Evidence from studies has shown that higher flavonoid intake increases insulin sensitivity, reduces insulin resistance, and improves blood lipid profiles.
The study, conducted by scientists from Queen's University Belfast (Northern Ireland), Oxford University (UK) and Edith Cowan University (Australia), investigated the link between a flavonoid-rich diet and type 2 diabetes on a large scale.
A total of 113,097 people from the UK Biobank took part. They had their 24-hour dietary intake assessed, which was then analyzed to calculate their flavonoid intake.
During a median follow-up of 12 years, there were 2,628 cases of type 2 diabetes.
The results found that consuming more flavanoid-rich foods (6 servings per day) reduced the risk of diabetes by up to 28%, compared with consuming less (1 serving per day) .
Specifically, the results show: Consuming a lot of black tea or green tea reduces the risk of diabetes by up to 21%. Start your day with health news to see more of this article!
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