Research just published in the research journal BMC Public Health has explored the impact of different sleep patterns on 'successful ageing' in older adults.
“Successful aging” is defined as living longer while maintaining good cognitive and physical health.
Scientists from the School of Public Health, Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang, China investigated the effects of different sleep duration patterns on successful aging in middle-aged and older adults.
People with normal, stable sleep patterns (7 hours regularly) have the highest rate of successful aging.
The study used data from a survey conducted between 2011 and 2020, including 3,306 participants over the age of 60 who were free of disease at the start of the study.
Participants' total sleep time was calculated as the sum of nighttime sleep time and daytime napping time using self-reported sleep habits. Sleep reports completed in 2011, 2013, and 2015 were analyzed to determine sleep habit trajectories.
Researchers defined successful aging based on five criteria, including freedom from chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes; independent performance of daily activities; good cognition; low signs of depression; and social well-being through participation in social activities such as community events or games.
Over nine years, 455 people met the criteria for successful aging.
Researchers have identified five sleep patterns:
Short-term stability : Regularly every day about 5 - 5.5 hours
Normal stability : Regularly every day about 7 hours
Long term stability : Regularly every day about 8 - 8.5
Increased fluctuation : Sleep duration increased from 5.5 hours in 2011 to more than 8 hours in 2015
Decreased fluctuation : Sleep duration decreased from more than 8 hours in 2011 to 5 hours in 2015.
The results found that the group with normal, stable sleep patterns had the highest rate of successful aging, at 18.1 percent, according to News Medical.
Successful aging is defined as living longer while maintaining good cognitive and physical health.
Long, stable sleep patterns are also more conducive to successful aging. Conversely, short, stable sleep patterns with increased variability reduce the odds of successful aging.
Sleep variability alone gave equivocal results.
Thus, a normal stable sleep pattern (regular 7 hours) leads to better health in older adults, while irregular (increased variability) or short (less than 6 hours) sleep poses risks to physical and cognitive health.
The study authors concluded: It is best for older adults to have regular sleep and ensure 7-8 hours a day.
Sleeping less than 7 hours, sleeping more than 8 hours, or sleeping irregularly all reduce the rate of successful aging.
The study found that both increased sleep variability and short-term stability were detrimental to successful aging, highlighting the importance of monitoring sleep changes in middle-aged and older adults, according to News Medical.
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