According to the science site Gizmodo on August 2, the research team used an autonomous submersible to conduct a 27-day survey along the glacier.
Using the submersible allowed scientists to see the underside of the ice shelf at a higher resolution than previous methods that relied on satellite and ice core data to observe changes in the ice shelf. This allowed the team to create a more detailed map of the Antarctic ice shelf, said study author Anna Wahlin, an oceanographer.
Strange teardrop-shaped structure on the underside of the Antarctic ice shelf
In addition to the previously known ice structures, the images from the submersible also revealed patterns with “mysterious teardrop-shaped depressions” that the team believes were created by water currents. The submersible discovered these strange structures in 2022, but the study was only published on July 31 in the journal Science Advances .
Scientists stress that understanding these patterns is important to more accurately predict the melting process in Antarctica.
“The maps that Ran (the submersible) has produced represent a huge advance in our understanding of the Antarctic ice shelves. We have had our reservations about the complexity, but Ran has produced a more comprehensive and complete picture than ever before,” said study co-author Karen Alley.
When it returned to service in January, the submersible Ran disappeared after a survey under the ice shelf and the team will replace it with another vessel.
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