An Italian-led team of scientists has confirmed there is a cave on the Moon, not far from where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed 55 years ago, and suspects there are hundreds more that could accommodate future astronauts.
The cave is accessible from the deepest crater on the Moon, just 400km from the Apollo 11 landing site. This crater, like more than 200 others discovered there, was created by the collapse of a lava tube. Researchers analyzed radar measurements from NASA’s Moon rover and compared the results to lava tubes on Earth. According to the scientists, the radar data only revealed the initial part of the underground chamber. They estimate that the cave is at least 40m wide and at least 100m deep.
Most of the craters and caves on the Moon appear to be located in ancient lava plains, scientists say. There may also be some at the Moon’s south pole, where NASA astronauts are expected to land later this decade. The craters and caves are thought to contain water ice that could provide drinking water and rocket fuel, making lunar exploration easier and human habitation possible.
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