Accordingly, the contestants are students from grades 6 to 9 studying at 3 schools: Bing Lao Secondary School, Xuan Lao Secondary School and Ang To Secondary School. The contest will take place from September 30, 2024 to October 25, 2024. Specifically, entries will be collected on October 7; the preliminary round will take place from October 7 to 11; the final round will take place on October 16; the summary and award ceremony will take place on October 25.
The content of the entries must reflect content related to forests and the environment, such as: the meaning and beauty of forests; students' views, feelings and thoughts on protecting, developing forests and protecting the surrounding environment; dreams and necessary actions to protect forests and wildlife; messages calling on everyone to join hands to protect nature, conserve biodiversity and protect a green, clean and beautiful environment.

This is the second year the Painting Contest has been launched. Previously, in the 2022-2023 school year, the Provincial Forest Protection and Development Fund coordinated with Na Tau and Na Nhan Secondary Schools; Thanh Minh Primary and Secondary Schools (Dien Bien Phu City) to organize a painting contest with the theme "Policy on payment for forest environmental services accompanies children to school". Through the contest, more than 320 paintings were submitted by students, thereby creating a positive effect with many meaningful messages about forest protection, arousing love for nature and the living environment to the community.
Source: https://baodienbienphu.com.vn/tin-tuc/quan-ly-bao-ve-rung/218476/phat-dong-cuoc-thi-ve-tranh-%E2%80%9Cchung-tay-bao-ve-rung-va-moi-truong-xanh-sach-dep%E2%80%9D
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