On the afternoon of November 7, the Department of Information and Communications of Ninh Binh organized the launch of the press photo contest "Ninh Binh for the goal of becoming a millennium heritage city".
According to the Department of Information and Communications and the Organizing Committee, the launch of the contest aims to continue promoting the image of the land and people of Ninh Binh.
Overview of the launching ceremony of the press photo contest "Ninh Binh for the goal of becoming a millennium heritage city" held on the afternoon of November 7.
The press photo work "Ninh Binh for the goal of becoming a millennium heritage city" must identify the outstanding and specific elements of Ninh Binh's heritage such as: The historical role of Ninh Binh in the process of urban development in Vietnam; the system of heritage, relics, scenic spots, landscape architecture space; cultural and traditional elements; the role of relics and heritage in the socio-economic development of the province; heritage management and conservation work...
Entries must be published in the press from February 15, 2024 to February 15, 2025. Deadline for submissions: February 15 to February 20, 2025.
The Organizing Committee will award 1 special prize; A prize, B prize, C prize, Encouragement prize and secondary prizes for single photos and photo essays.
The Organizing Committee of the press photo contest "Ninh Binh for the goal of a millennium heritage city" has full rights to use the awarded press photo works for propaganda, promotion on media, photo exhibitions, and posting on the website of the Department of Information and Communications (no royalties will be paid to the author). At the same time, the use of the works will comply with the current Copyright Protection Law.
The Department of Information and Communications of Ninh Binh province said that the press photo contest also contributes to affirming the province's geostrategic position in the Ninh Binh Provincial Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, with the main direction being "Building Ninh Binh province into a centrally-run city with the characteristics of a millennium heritage urban area, a creative city, a growth pole in the southern provinces of the Red River Delta...".
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/phat-dong-cuoc-thi-anh-bao-chi-ninh-binh-vi-muc-tieu-do-thi-di-san-thien-nien-ky-192241107164559751.htm
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