Having diabetes at this age can shorten life expectancy by 14 years
New research, published in the medical journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology , has found that the timing of diabetes onset can affect life expectancy.
Accordingly, the younger the age of diabetes, the shorter the life expectancy. Even if the disease is detected at the age of 30, the patient will have a life expectancy reduced by 14 years, according to the Express newspaper.
Previous estimates have shown that adults with diabetes lose more than six years of life expectancy on average compared to those without diabetes. However, it is unclear how the rate of loss of life expectancy varies with age of onset.
To answer this question, scientists conducted a new experiment.
What did the study find?
The younger the age at which diabetes is diagnosed, the shorter the life expectancy.
The large international study, led by scientists at the University of Cambridge and the University of Glasgow (UK), examined data from 1.5 million people from 19 countries.
The results found that, on average, for every decade of earlier diabetes onset, life expectancy was reduced by about four years.
Specifically: Developing diabetes at age 30 reduces life expectancy by 14 years, at age 40 it will reduce 10 years, and at age 50 it will reduce 6 years of life expectancy, according to Express.
The rate of reduction in life expectancy is slightly greater in women than in men.
Researchers also found that much of the reduced life expectancy associated with diabetes was due to complications such as heart attacks, strokes and aneurysms, or cancer.
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article: Having diabetes at this age can shorten your life by 14 years on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of October 16. You can also read other articles about diabetes such as: Diet is scientifically proven to be able to push back diabetes; Discover the wonderful benefits of a cup of morning tea for diabetes...
Doctor: The best breakfast foods to lower blood pressure naturally
Eating healthy is one of the best weapons against high blood pressure.
This dangerous condition, if left unchecked, can cause serious health problems, from heart attack to stroke.
Luckily, you can bring your high blood pressure down early in the morning with breakfast, says Dr Sunni Patel, founder of Dish Dash Deets, an award-winning UK health clinic, according to the Express.
This doctor said: A blood pressure-lowering breakfast focuses on foods that are low in sodium, high in potassium and promote overall heart health.
Eating healthy is one of the best weapons against high blood pressure.
1. Oatmeal
Oats are rich in soluble fiber, which helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood and reduces resistance in blood vessels, thus helping to control blood pressure.
Dr. Sunni recommends adding sliced bananas or berries to your bowl of oatmeal for extra potassium.
Potassium helps regulate blood pressure by dilating blood vessel walls, reducing pressure on blood vessels.
Furthermore, berries are rich in antioxidants, which may help protect blood vessels from damage and inflammation, contributing to better blood pressure control.
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article Doctor: The best breakfast food to help lower blood pressure naturally on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of October 16. You can also read other news articles such as: Bananas help lower blood pressure, but how to eat them properly?; Doctor reveals that a tuber as strong as Viagra can lower blood pressure very well...
4 eye abnormalities, although not diseases, need to see a doctor immediately!
The eyes are extremely important organs for us. Experts recommend that everyone should have regular eye exams to intervene promptly if unfortunately there is a disease. In many cases, some eye abnormalities, although may not be a disease, should not be ignored but should be checked by a doctor soon.
The general rule to protect your eye health is to quit smoking and wear sunglasses when in the sun. If you are doing things like mowing the lawn, welding or other jobs that pose a high risk of eye damage, you should wear protective eyewear, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
In addition, people also need to see a doctor when experiencing the following problems:
Chemical in eye
If chemicals get into your eyes, use saline or clean water to rinse your eyes, then go to the hospital immediately.
Chemicals in the eye are a medical emergency. These chemicals are often toilet or drain cleaners, bleach, pesticides, or fertilizers. Because eye damage can occur within 1 to 5 minutes of chemical exposure, the first thing to do is to flush the eye with clean water as soon as possible. If available, the best solution for flushing the eye is saline.
The patient should then be taken to a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will check the pH level of the tears to find a way to remove the poison, and determine whether the eye is damaged so that timely intervention can be given.
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the content of article 4 eye abnormalities, although not a disease, you need to see a doctor immediately! on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of October 16. You can also read other news about eyes such as: Doctor 24/7: What are the signs that pink eye is getting worse?; Can 'just looking at each other' spread pink eye?...
In addition, on Monday, October 16, there were many other health news articles such as: Doctor 24/7: At 60, what is the normal blood pressure?; What causes millions of women to wake up at 3:29 am?...
New day with health news , wish you a new week full of energy and effective work.
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