Vietnam National Petroleum Group ( Petrolimex /Group - stock code: PLX) officially adjusted gasoline prices, accordingly the new prices are as follows:
The new price will take effect from 15:00 on October 24, 2024 until the next gasoline price adjustment period of the Ministry of Industry and Trade - Ministry of Finance; and will be publicly announced on the website and Petrolimex member petroleum companies.
The gasoline prices announced by Petrolimex in this TCBC apply to Petrolimex's distribution system in Vietnam, including: (a) Petrolimex gasoline stations and small-scale gasoline sales points under Petrolimex; (b) gasoline stations of traders acting as agents and general agents of Petrolimex, and (c) gasoline stations of traders receiving retail rights under franchise from Petrolimex.
For areas far from ports, warehouses, and petroleum production facilities as prescribed in Clause 27, Article 1, Decree 95/2021/ND-CP dated November 1, 2021 of the Government (Petrolimex referred to as "Zone 2"); The General Director of Petrolimex authorizes the Directors of Petrolimex member petroleum companies to directly decide on the actual selling price at the business location, but must not exceed the price level of Zone 2 mentioned above.
This adjustment of gasoline prices is implemented in accordance with Resolution No. 42/2023/UBTVQH15 dated December 18, 2023 of the National Assembly Standing Committee on environmental protection tax rates for gasoline, oil, and grease, effective from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, and is based on the practical developments in finished gasoline prices on the world market during the pricing cycle, in accordance with the principles of determining selling prices in Decree No. 80/2023/ND-CP dated November 17, 2023 of the Government (Decree 80) on amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 95/2021/ND-CP dated November 1, 2021 and Decree No. 83/2014/ND-CP dated September 3, 2014 of the Government on gasoline trading. oil; according to the implementing instructions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade - Ministry of Finance.
Decision on gasoline prices No. 950/PLX-QD-TGĐ dated October 24, 2024 has been sent to all Petrolimex member units and reported to the Government Office, Ministry of Industry and Trade, and Ministry of Finance.
When issuing decisions on retail prices of gasoline and oil on their distribution system, Petrolimex member units must send the issued price decisions to the Department of Industry and Trade of the province/city and the Group for reporting.
According to Document No. 8505/BCT-TTTN dated October 24, 2024 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the management of petroleum business, the level of deduction and expenditure for the use of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund (BOG) from 15:00 is specifically as follows:
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