(Dan Tri) - "When I go to the restaurant, I am an employee of all departments. I park the motorbike, hold umbrellas for customers, and still serve food if customers need it," drug lord Quan "Gia" from the movie "Doc Dao" shared with Dan Tri reporter.
Artist Vinh Xuong met a group of Dan Tri reporters at his spacious private house on Vuong Thua Vu street (Hanoi).
Different from his "cold-blooded", sinister and mysterious appearance in the currently airing movie Doc Dao , in real life, he is an open and approachable person."Many people told me: "With this face, how can I play the role of a boss?"
Having played many gentle roles, perhaps it was only when he transformed into the gangster boss Quan "Gia" in "Doc Dao" that artist Vinh Xuong really attracted attention. Since then, he has been called "the boss of the Vietnamese screen". How did he accept this? - When I was young, when I worked at the Vietnam Drama Theater, I was often assigned the roles of gentle country boys, policemen, soldiers or husbands who were afraid of their wives. Then, for many reasons, I stopped working at the Theater. 10 years later, when my life was more stable, I thought about returning to the stage and movies. However, doing theater, a play also requires several months of rehearsal while filming a TV series, I have more time. Therefore, I decided to try my hand at different types of roles on the screen. Since 2018, I have started playing villain roles in films such as: Sinh Tu, Ho Do Ca Crocodile, Dau Tri... Among them, Dinh Hoang Duc of Dau Tri - a villain who is kind and always respects his father, loves his wife and children, protects and takes care of his relatives - has probably left an impression on the audience. When I was invited to play Quan "Gia", at first I hesitated, thought a lot and decided not to accept this role. Because I thought that my face would not be suitable for playing a villain to the end... Moreover, this is a very dangerous criminal character who kills people without hesitation. I was afraid that when the audience watches the film, they will hate the character and then hate me. But in the end, because the script is good, each role in the film is independent and has its own personality, I also found it interesting so I accepted. When playing the role, I had to wear a wig. There are many beautiful hairstyles but I had to choose the one that best suited the character. I also discussed with the director, it's best to make this character as bad as possible and it's better to let the audience hate him from appearance to content.
Vinh Xuong as gangster boss Quan "Gia" in the movie "Doc Dao" (Photo: VFC).

Actor Vinh Xuong talks with Dan Tri reporter.

Are there any funny stories related to your roles and acting career that you can share?
- Before, when I went out, people often called me Dinh Hoang Duc! Now, everyone jokes that I am Quan "Old". Many people in the neighborhood also watch the movie. When they saw me, they immediately said: "Vinh Xuong's acting in such a terrible and cruel movie!". When my two sons watched the part where their father acted with the actresses, one turned away and said nothing, the other put his face down on the bed and clapped his hands, saying "Oh my god, look". Maybe at that moment, they saw their father differently than usual. I was also afraid that my children would be shocked when they saw my role and actions in the movie. However, I did not forbid them from watching the movie I acted in. I called my two children to talk and explain to them about my job. I said: "Dad has to act true to the character in the movie, so there are many behaviors and words that are different from normal, you should get used to it and gradually accept it". Sometimes, I ask: "Do any of you want to be actors?", and both of them say: "No" (laughs). My wife understands my job and how hard it is to be an actor. However, perhaps after this movie, I won't play such a cruel villain anymore.
Vinh Xuong said that when he goes out, people call him "Old" Quan.
"Xuan Bac once lent me 50 million VND to start a business"
Many viewers are curious about what kind of person Vinh Xuong - the owner of a famous crab noodle shop in Hanoi - is behind the image of a powerful boss in the movie? - I have the opinion that I have to do my best and be true to that role. When acting in a movie, I always try my best with my role, be punctual and serious. When selling, I have to serve attentively and respect customers, only then can customers feel our dedication. When I go to the restaurant, I am an employee of all departments. I still park motorbikes, hold umbrellas for customers, and still serve food if customers need it. Running a restaurant and selling noodles is my job, I do it for myself, it is the bread and butter of the whole family, so I have to take care of it. When I do it, the employees will understand and be more aware. Some people tease that if "boss" Vinh Xuong combines with the "bad boy" on screen Anh Tuan to do business, it will only be prosperous. Look at his business as an example? - When people really need something, they will try to achieve their goals. I started my business with the desire to support my family and have a more prosperous life, so I did it with 200% of my strength. Business always has potential risks, sometimes you have to start over from scratch. Luckily, Tuan and I have the same point of view, so the business was lucky and favorable. Before, my husband and I lived in my parents' house. We just moved to our current house in 2022, after many years of doing business and saving. The house looks like this but it's not very spacious (laughs).
Peaceful life in the spacious house of artist Vinh Xuong.

Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giai-tri/ong-trum-vinh-xuong-giang-ho-tren-phim-chu-quan-ban-banh-canh-ngoai-doi-20241009013856356.htm
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