Recently, the Party Central Committee approved a plan to streamline the organization of the entire political system. Accordingly, the Party, Government, and National Assembly will significantly reduce the number of units as well as the number of cadres, civil servants, and public employees.
Specifically, the Party bloc reduced 4 major focal points. The National Assembly bloc reduced 2 committees, terminated the activities of the Institute of Legislative Studies and National Assembly Television. The Government reduced 5 ministries, 3 agencies under the Government, 13/13 general departments and thousands of departments, offices...
It is expected that in the next few days, the National Assembly will hold an extraordinary meeting to perfect the organization of the National Assembly and the Government; and amend a number of laws related to the organization of the apparatus.
The organization and apparatus of the entire political system after being streamlined will have changes in structure and number of positions, which will impact the personnel preparation work for the upcoming 14th Party Congress.
To better understand the above issue, VietNamNet had an interview with Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Viet Thong - former General Secretary and Standing Member of the Central Theoretical Council.
200 Central Committee members are not too many
As someone who has followed many Party Congress terms, in your opinion, will the current streamlining of the political system's organizational apparatus change the number and personnel structure of the upcoming 14th Party Congress, especially the number of Central Executive Committee members?
Streamlining the Party, Government and National Assembly agencies means that a number of cadres and leaders will have to sacrifice their rights, such as retiring early, resigning from their positions or transferring to other jobs...
For example, when 2 ministries merge into 1, there will be 1 less minister; when 2 departments or divisions merge, there will only be 1 department head or 1 department head. Notably, in the Government sector, the general department level will be completely eliminated; if 13/13 general departments are no longer there, there will be 13 less general directors.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Viet Thong. Photo: Le Anh Dung
Overall, the Party has maintained a stable total of 200 Central Party Committee members (180 official members and 20 alternate members), 17-19 Politburo members and 11-13 Secretariat members.
Although streamlining the apparatus will reduce the number of focal points and leaders in Party, Government and National Assembly agencies, I think that some important departments, ministries and branches can still increase the number of Central Committee members.
In my opinion, if we reduce some focal points but can increase the number of Central Committee members for important ministries, departments and branches, then the number of 200 Central Committee members is not too much, and the specific number will be decided by the Party Congress.
One of the things that many people worry about now is that when streamlining the apparatus, if we are not careful, good people will leave and this will also affect the personnel preparation for the next congress?
There is a reality in previous arrangements, good people are willing to leave because they can survive in any environment, while average and below average people who do not rely on the State cannot survive.
Recently, the Prime Minister requested to prevent bribery when streamlining the apparatus because talented people do not run, while bad and average people run to stay. This is a reality, if we are not careful, talented people will leave, resulting in a brain drain.
In an organization, everyone knows clearly who can do the job and who cannot do the job. However, the work of evaluating cadres has long been a weak link, still based on sentiment, leading to the situation of "love makes good, hate makes bad".
Therefore, the problem is whether the leader is fair enough in this reorganization to retain talented people. If the leader is not fair and objective, is influenced by group interests, and is "individualistic", then there will be a situation of appointing relatives, cronies, and cronies. If the leader is transparent and upright, the objective evaluation of cadres will not be affected by the mentality of favoritism.
Another problem is that the line between being active and reckless; between being careful, mature and conservative is very fragile. If not objective, talented people can easily be suppressed, while flatterers can be supported. Therefore, personal responsibility, especially that of leaders, needs to be promoted.
In particular, the advisory body for the leader must advise correctly who is good and who is bad.
The important and long-term solution is that we must complete the job position project, evaluate cadres based on work efficiency instead of general criteria. When the product is the measure, it will limit the situation of group interests and sentimentality in evaluating cadres.
The error is not in the process.
To improve the quality of personnel for the 14th Congress and prevent the situation where some officials and leaders, after being elected, are found to have committed violations and are disciplined as in the past, what factors do you think need to be considered?
Recent reality shows that the lessons from the 13th Congress are still valid. Immediately after the Congress, former Secretary of the Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee Tran Van Nam was prosecuted, showing that the screening work has not been really effective. Up to now, many high-ranking officials, including Central Committee members and Politburo members, have been disciplined for violations.
Previously, we did HR according to a 3-step process, now it is a 5-step process but still let violators get away. The fault lies not in the process but in the people who carry out the process.
Therefore, in addition to the regulations that are still valid, we must strictly implement them and seriously learn from the staff evaluation stage as I mentioned above.
In addition, we must "rely on the people to build the Party". The people know clearly who is honest and who shows signs of corruption and degradation. The problem is that there must be a mechanism to listen to people's opinions in an objective and substantive manner.
If we do personnel work seriously and objectively, without being influenced by personal or group interests, we will be able to choose worthy personnel who truly have the qualities, abilities, and prestige to meet the requirements of the tasks in the new period.
On the contrary, if personnel work is not done strictly and impartially, it will lead to the risk of unqualified people entering the Party Committee.
How do you evaluate the personnel preparation for the upcoming 14th Party Congress?
Through observation, I see that the personnel preparation work is being deployed according to schedule.
First, the Central Committee guides all levels to introduce candidates to the Central Committee. Recently, all levels have introduced candidates and the Central Committee has given opinions. The Politburo has organized 3 knowledge update classes to train Central Committee members.
The Central Conference also reviewed the planning of the Politburo and Secretariat, added personnel to the Central Executive Committee and continued to discover and add new elements.
The personnel selection process is carried out in strict steps. First, the Central Committee members who are eligible for re-election are reviewed. Next, the list of personnel planned for the first time in the Central Committee is reviewed to ensure the necessary balance.
Then, the same process is carried out for the Politburo and the Secretariat to consider who in the Politburo and the Secretariat still meets the standards and conditions for re-election, then consider the personnel planned for the first time. Finally, consider special cases.
The principle is to ensure strict standards and conditions, not to miss out on truly virtuous and talented people; at the same time, to resolutely not let those who do not have the capacity or qualities into the new Party Committee.
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