On the morning of March 21, Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank - TPBank (TPB) announced that it had received the resignation letter of Mr. Do Anh Tu - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors (BOD) according to his personal wishes on March 20.

Also on March 20, TPBank's Board of Directors issued a resolution approving the resignation of Mr. Do Anh Tu as a member of the Board of Directors for the 2023-2028 term.

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Mr. Do Anh Tu. Photo: TPB

Tien Phong Securities Company - TPS (ORS) has just announced that Mr. Do Anh Tu has submitted a resignation letter from the position of member of the Board of Directors for the 2021-2026 term at this securities company on March 18. Mr. Tu was elected to the Board of Directors of TPS from March 15, 2021.

Mr. Do Anh Tu is an Associate Professor in Energy Machinery at the Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic, and is a leading expert in the field of brand management and marketing.

Mr. Tu commits not to intervene, not to have any complaints or lawsuits related to the content of the resignation from the Board of Directors of TPBank.

The Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) has also just announced the temporary suspension of trading for the TCDH2227002 bond lot of Tracodi Construction Group Corporation (TCD) and the two lots GKCCH2124001 and GKCCH2124002 of Gia Khang Investment Trading Service Corporation (Gia Khang) from March 20.

The three bonds have an interest rate of 11%/year, registered and custodianed by Tien Phong Securities (ORS).

Previously in February, HNX announced the temporary suspension of trading for HIC12103 bonds of HELIOS Investment and Services JSC and BCR12101 bonds of BCG Land JSC (BCR).

Customers have been reported to have errors in online money transfers since last night, what does TPBank say? Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank (TPBank) has just officially spoken out about the TPBank transaction interruption incident on December 12.