The above data on countries and territories that require citizens to perform military service was compiled by World Population Review based on a number of reference sources such as data from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or the Pew Research Center.
Russian soldiers parade in Red Square in May 2023
After completing military service, the citizen becomes a member of the reserve force and can be mobilized in war or emergency situations.
Traditionally, military service has been compulsory for young men over a certain age, usually 18. Each year, many eligible citizens around the world are called up for military service, which can last anywhere from a few months to a few years. After the Cold War, many countries abolished compulsory military service, but others have maintained it, depending on the need.
Which country requires young men to perform military service?
Some countries still maintain this system by law but in practice do not apply it because the number of volunteers is enough to meet the demand, according to .
In China, for example, men between the ages of 18 and 22 must register for two years of selective military service. The Chinese military sets the number of soldiers it needs and sets quotas for each province. If the number of volunteers does not meet the quota, the local government can be forced to call up qualified men to serve in the military.
Similarly, in the United States, men from the age of 18 must register with the draft board and can be called up for military service if needed. However, the United States has not had to use this mechanism since 1973 due to the high number of volunteers.
Below are some countries that require military service.
Under Russian law, all men between the ages of 18 and 27 must serve 12 months of military service, or undergo equivalent training if they are in university. After completing their military service, they serve as reservists until they turn 50. Conscription evaders face up to two years in prison.
Russian reservists during a military mobilization in Rostov in October 2022
Ukrainian men aged 20-27 are required to perform military service. Before the conflict with Russia in February 2022, the mandatory military service period was 12-18 months, depending on the force. After the conflict, all non-exempt men aged 18-60 were required to register and undergo medical examinations in order to be called up.
Ukrainian servicemen in Odessa in January 2022
South Korean men between the ages of 18 and 35 must serve 18 to 36 months of military service, depending on the force. High-achieving athletes are exempted and only have to undergo a few weeks of basic training.
South Korea's Son Heung-min attends a ceremony to complete his military training in Jeju in 2020.
North Korea pursues a "military first" policy, whereby all resources are given priority to the military. Typically, high school graduates join the military at the age of 17-18. In 2003, military service was reduced from 13 years to 10 years for men and from 10 to 7 years for women.
North Korean soldiers parade in Pyongyang in 2021.
The age for compulsory military service is 18 and both men and women are required to join. The duration is from 32 months for men and about 24 months for women. The age at which the reserve period ends is 41-51 for men and 24 for women.
Israeli soldiers participating in the anti-Hamas operation stand on tanks in southern Israel on January 1.
Iran requires men to serve in the military from the age of 18 to 40, except those with mental health problems and disabilities. Service lasts between 18 and 24 months, depending on where they serve.
Iranian soldiers in a parade
BTS has enlisted, ARMY is eagerly waiting
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