Regarding the case of female student Quàng Hương G. (17 years old, in Sơn La) who left home with a stranger for many days, G. has contacted her family but has not provided a specific address.
On the morning of February 6, speaking with VietNamNet reporter, Ms. Ca Thi Xuan (G.'s mother) said that the family had contacted G.
According to Ms. Xuan, when calling, G. said that her child was safe and that she was in the South with her boyfriend (named T.). However, she did not provide a specific address.
"I asked but he did not give a specific address. Then I asked him to let me meet T.'s family or give a phone number to contact, but he did not provide it for many different reasons," said Ms. Xuan.
Previously, as VietNamNet reported, Chieng An Ward Police received information from Ms. Ca Thi Xuan (43 years old, residing in Phua Con village) with the following content: At around 3:00 p.m. on February 2, her daughter, Quang Huong G. (17 years old, 11th grade student) left home with a young man.
Ms. Xuan said that G. and the young man had just met through social media. The young man had been visiting her house since January 28 (29th of Tet). On the afternoon of February 2 (5th of Tet), G. and the young man left the house to wish everyone a happy new year, but they could not contact each other.
According to Ms. Xuan, the young man was introduced by her daughter as NTT (18 years old) from Lam Dong. At that time, because she thought he was her daughter's friend in Son La, she did not pay much attention.
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