In the 2024 high school graduation exam, two candidates from Nam Dinh and Dong Thap provinces achieved 10 points in the literature exam. One of these two candidates is Pham Quynh Anh, a 12A1 student at My Tho High School, Y Yen District, Nam Dinh Province.
Run when checking exam scores
When information about candidate 250075xx from Nam Dinh province, who scored 10 in literature, was announced, many students in class 12A1, My Tho High School, Nam Dinh province, speculated that the candidate was a classmate of Pham Quynh Anh.
Pham Quynh Anh, a 12A1 student at My Tho High School, Y Yen District, Nam Dinh Province, is one of two candidates who scored 10 points in literature (Photo: D. Van).
Pham Quynh Anh recalled: "On the morning of July 17, around 8am, my classmates announced the exam scores and predicted that I would get a perfect score in literature. At that time, I quickly checked my score but was so nervous that I entered the wrong registration number and had to re-enter it several times to get it right. When I saw the perfect score, I couldn't hide my joy and immediately ran to show it to my grandparents and parents."
In addition to the 10 points in literature, Quynh Anh's other exam results were 7.8 in math; 8.5 in history; 9.25 in geography; 9 in civics; and 8.4 in English. The candidate's total score for the C00 block was 27.75 points.
Quynh Anh shared that before the exam, her goal was to get over 9 points in literature. After finishing the exam, Quynh Anh thought she would get about 9 - 9.5 points.
Mr. Pham Dang Trinh (Quynh Anh's father) proudly said: "When we heard the news that our daughter announced her exam results, in which she got 10 points in Literature, my wife and I were very happy and proud of her. The neighbors around also came to the house to share the joy with the family when they heard the news."
Inspired by the anniversary of Dien Bien Phu Victory
"After the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory, feeling the heroic spirit and national pride helped make my essay more emotional. I felt really inspired in my writing," Quynh Anh shared.
For Quynh Anh herself, she always determined that literature is not a subject to memorize but must be passionate about and truly loved (Photo: D. Van).
For Quynh Anh herself, she always determined that literature is not a subject to memorize but must have passion and truly love it and must have her own literary capital and literary style.
In addition to the knowledge provided by teachers at school, Quynh Anh herself always practices many exam questions, reads many books, and consults additional sources of documents...
Since her junior high school years, Quynh Anh has participated in many literature competitions at the district and provincial levels. In the provincial literature competitions in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, Quynh Anh won third and second prizes in literature.
Notably, in the 2023-2024 provincial excellent student exam, a week before the exam, Quynh Anh had to be hospitalized for surgery due to appendicitis. During her time in the hospital, this female student still tried to bring out the documents to review. A day before the exam, her family and the school asked the doctor for permission to allow Quynh Anh to return to take the exam and as a result, she won second prize in literature.
Relatives congratulate Quynh Anh on getting a perfect score in literature (Photo: D. Van).
Besides, Quynh Anh is an outstanding citizen who has completed the Party Awareness Training course. However, because she is not yet 18 years old, she could not be considered for admission in the past.
Pham Quynh Anh said she was admitted to the Business English major at Foreign Trade University through early admission and plans to study this major.
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