In recent years, many models of high-tech agricultural development in Ninh Thuan have been implemented and have brought high economic efficiency.
Rejuvenates like aloe vera
According to Mr. Nguyen Minh Tin, Deputy General Director of GC Food Group, this unit is focusing on rejuvenating aloe vera varieties using tissue culture technology. The Group is making efforts to research and issue procedures to then transfer them to the Department of Science and Technology of Ninh Thuan, from there transferring the technology to farmers according to the rural and mountainous development program.
Nowadays, the aloe vera varieties of people often rot, so they need to be replaced with tissue culture varieties. Photo: MP
According to Mr. Tin, the current situation of soft rot disease in aloe vera in Ninh Thuan is very worrying. However, through the Invitro tissue culture technology that the group is implementing, all pathogens will be eliminated and new high-yield seedlings will be produced. This technology is called aloe vera rejuvenation.
“The technology is highly appreciated by advanced agricultural countries such as Thailand, India, and Israel, but Vietnam has not yet applied it much. GC Food Group is a pioneer in implementing it,” Mr. Nguyen Minh Tin shared.
According to Mr. Tin, GC Food Group currently owns a tissue culture room with an area of about 200m2, with a capacity of about 250,000 - 300,000 plants/month, producing about 3 - 3.6 million plants per year. Currently, Ninh Thuan has about 105 hectares of aloe vera, seriously lacking raw materials for factories processing aloe vera products.
“Currently, the aloe vera processing factory of GC Food Group has to turn down some orders because there are not enough leaves to produce. Raw materials are the lifeblood of processing factories. Therefore, GC Food Group is applying for planning permission in Phuoc Vinh for about 200 hectares to link up and expand the raw material area,” Mr. Nguyen Minh Tin informed.
Aloe vera nursery garden. Photo: MP
Aloe vera is a “long-lived” plant, from planting to harvesting leaves is about 6 - 8 months. If well cared for, the exploitation cycle of aloe vera can last up to 10 years. When aloe vera is 6 months old or older, if well cared for, it will produce 6 - 8 tons of leaves/ha/month, each year harvesting hundreds of tons of leaves. Currently, the average yield of aloe vera in Ninh Thuan is about 4 tons/ha/month.
Growing grapes in greenhouses despite the rain
According to Dr. Phan Cong Kien, Deputy Director of the Nha Ho Cotton Research and Agricultural Development Institute (Nha Ho Institute), the Institute has completed the application for protection certificates for 4 grape varieties NH01-152, NH02-37, NH02-97 and NH04-102. In addition, Nha Ho Institute also has 2 grape varieties whose applications for protection have been accepted by the authorities, namely NH01-16 and NH01-26, and the application is being completed.
According to Dr. Kien, Nha Ho Institute is preserving 245 grape varieties; of which, many promising varieties have been selected from the garden such as NH01-16, NH01-26, NH02-37, NH04-61, NH04-102, NH04-128 NH02-137, NH01-195 are being tested, compared, and trial produced before expanding production. In addition, the Institute has been and is carrying out crossbreeding in the direction of anthracnose resistance, large fruit, and quality.
The greenhouse grape growing model of Thai An Grape Cooperative was transferred technology by Nha Ho Cotton and Rural Development Institute. Photo: MP
“The Nha Ho Institute has developed a high-tech grape production process, growing grapes in a greenhouse with a plastic roof to protect against rain, using a Y-shaped trellis; fertilizing and watering with a water-saving irrigation system; automatic and semi-automatic climate control with a mobile rain cover, sun-blocking net, ventilation fan and misting system,” said Dr. Phan Cong Kien.
According to Mr. Dang Kim Cuong, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Ninh Thuan, in addition to the NH01-152 grape variety that has been included in the province's crop variety structure and recommended for widespread replication in the area, Ninh Thuan's functional sector also focuses on developing new quality grape varieties that bring high economic value to contribute to the goal of restructuring the agricultural sector.
"Currently, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Ninh Thuan is coordinating with the Nha Ho Institute and related units to select a number of new grape varieties for testing and evaluating their adaptability for widespread replication," said Mr. Dang Kim Cuong.
According to Mr. Nguyen Khac Phong, Director of Thai An Grape Cooperative, the grape greenhouse is solidly built with iron, the roof is covered with nylon tarpaulin, and the surrounding area is covered with anti-insect net. To ensure optimal efficiency for the grape plants in the greenhouse, grape growers invest in a low-level misting irrigation system to save on labor costs.
“Growing grapes in greenhouses will minimize the impact of the weather. From there, it helps the grape plants grow well, with fewer pests and diseases, bringing higher economic efficiency than the traditional grape growing method. Grapes are protected in a closed environment, so the grapes are very safe, common fungal diseases caused by insects, night dew, etc. are almost no longer a concern. In particular, grapes grown in greenhouses when ripe no longer have a “nightmare” when it rains like before. Because grapes grown outdoors when ripe and raining are all spoiled, the ripe grapes seem to want to rot in the rain,” said Mr. Nguyen Khac Phong, Director of Thai An Grape Cooperative.
Currently, in Ninh Thuan province, the apple growing area in greenhouses has reached over 95%. Growing apples in greenhouses helps prevent fruit flies and other diseases, bringing much higher efficiency than before. The area of grapes grown in greenhouses requires a large investment, about 400 million VND/sao, so the area is not large. In addition, Ninh Thuan also has dozens of hectares of melons grown in greenhouses, and the cultivation of green asparagus using high technology is also widely deployed by people...
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