Sharing with reporters, Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Thanh Binh, Chairman of the Vietnam Health Trade Union, affirmed that over the past 5 years, the Vietnam Health Trade Union has always strived to innovate its organization and methods of operation to fulfill its role as a representative, caring for and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members in the health sector.

Reporter (PV): Madam, during the 2018 - 2023 term, what outstanding achievements has the Vietnam Health Trade Union achieved?

Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Thanh Binh, Chairman of Vietnam Health Trade Union, praised workers and civil servants.

Excellent workers in the health sector in 2023. (Photo: Provided by Vietnam Health Trade Union).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Thanh Binh : During the 2018 - 2023 term, the Vietnam Health Trade Union has always strived to innovate its methods of operation to better fulfill its role of representing, protecting and caring for union members in the health sector. As of May 2023, the Vietnam Health Trade Union is directly managing 108 grassroots unions with a total of more than 51,500 union members, of which female union members account for over 60%. In particular, since the end of 2019, the Covid-19 epidemic broke out into a pandemic worldwide, all medical staff and employees have become the frontline force on the anti-epidemic front. With the motto "Fighting the epidemic like fighting the enemy", in addition to taking care of routine illnesses, all health workers have had to "go to battle", taking on 3-5 times more work than usual: monitoring and treating over 11.5 million Covid-10 infections (of which about 5% are severe cases)...; vaccinating over 260 million Covid-19 vaccine doses and testing hundreds of millions of people for Covid-19...

After the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a mental crisis when many medical staff were involved in legal matters; the lives of medical staff were difficult, income decreased due to autonomous units with hospital fees that had not changed for 20 years, and revenue was not enough to cover expenses. This was the last straw that caused a wave of over 10,000 medical staff quitting/transferring to the private sector. It can be said that the 13th term of the Vietnam Health Trade Union is a special term because 3/5 years focused on fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, an unprecedented pandemic in history, putting pressure on the entire health system, so trade union organizations at all levels are also under no less pressure to accompany and ensure the care and protection of union members on the front line. In all difficulties, at all times, the Vietnam Health Trade Union has become a reliable support for union members and workers both spiritually and materially, truly a bridge between workers and employers, maintaining and ensuring the harmony and stable development of health units.

PV: Could you please tell us about the challenges and tasks facing the Trade Unions at all levels in the health sector in the coming period?

Caring for the lives of medical staff (Photo: Provided by Vietnam Medical Trade Union)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Thi Binh : The health sector has been facing many challenges in the coming time when the Covid-19 epidemic is still complicated while common diseases have not shown signs of decreasing such as: Hand, foot and mouth disease, malaria, dengue fever, ... Along with that, many new diseases are still at risk of occurring. Not to mention non-communicable diseases and cancer are increasing. Meanwhile, the regimes and policies for medical staff have not been changed for decades, such as the on-duty salary in 2012 was 18,000 VND and 25,000 VND when the basic salary was 830,000 VND. Currently, the basic salary has been adjusted to 1.8 million VND, but the above regimes have not been adjusted accordingly. In addition, many regimes and policies, from harmful to other policies, are too old. In addition, the mechanism for bidding for drugs and equipment still has many difficulties, hospitals still lack drugs, and patients with insurance still suffer when going to the hospital.

In my opinion, in the coming time, the Vietnam Health Trade Union will still have to face many difficulties, especially when 50% of the chairmen of the new term's grassroots trade unions are new cadres. This is a big challenge for new union cadres to quickly approach the job, mature in their work and truly become an extension of the Vietnam Health Trade Union to take care of union members in the health sector.

PV: In your opinion, how important is the development of Vietnam Health Trade Union activities to the lives of union members, workers... and the development of each medical unit?

Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Thanh Binh, Chairman of Vietnam Health Trade Union

Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Thi Binh : Currently, the Health Union has about 500,000 members nationwide, accounting for only 1/24 of the total number of members nationwide, but they are special members because they are responsible for taking care of the health of over 100 million people. Therefore, only healthy health union members can provide the best health care for the people. A well-functioning trade union organization in health units will be a bridge between workers and employers, ensuring harmony, stability and development of each unit. If they receive attention and favorable conditions from the unit's leaders, the policies and regimes of each union member will be more guaranteed. Thanks to that, they will be assured of their work and contribute more to the health of the people.

PV: Thank you very much!

MINH HA (written)