On January 6, information from the Dak Lak Provincial Center for Disease Control said that the province had just recorded a death suspected to be due to rabies.
Extended fear of rabies
This is the first suspected rabies death in 2025 in the province. The patient is YNH, male, born in 2014, residing in Bang A Drenh commune, Krong Ana district, Dak Lak province. Previously, on January 1, at home, the patient developed symptoms such as frequent vomiting, fatigue, fear of water, and fear of wind.
The project "Mapping ABI-standard rabies prevention facilities" of AMVGROUP Medical Joint Stock Company was born, helping to minimize risks for people and protect public health. |
The patient's family took him to Da Thien Hanh Hospital for examination, then he was transferred to Tay Nguyen General Hospital with a diagnosis of full-blown rabies, and was monitored for sepsis. At 5:30 p.m. on January 4, the family asked to take the child home, and the patient died at 5 a.m. on January 5.
According to the patient's family, about 3 months before being hospitalized, the patient was bitten on the left arm by a pet dog and did not get a rabies vaccination.
Immediately after recording the suspected death due to rabies, the Dak Lak Provincial Center for Disease Control quickly investigated the case and reported it according to regulations. At the same time, the case was reported to the Provincial Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine and the Krong Ana District Medical Center for coordination in handling.
In addition, the Dak Lak Provincial Center for Disease Control provides consultation to patients' families and disseminates knowledge about rabies prevention and control to families and the surrounding community.
Dak Lak Provincial Center for Disease Control recorded seven deaths from rabies in 2024.
Rabies is one of the dangerous infectious diseases caused by the rabies virus, often affecting the nervous system, so when rabies occurs, 100% of people with the disease will die quickly. There is no specific treatment for the disease.
Therefore, proactively preventing the disease by injecting rabies vaccine or anti-rabies serum after being bitten by a dog or scratched by a cat is very important and necessary.
Statistics from the Department of Preventive Medicine show that as of the end of December 2024, the country had recorded 84 deaths from rabies. The Ministry of Health said the main cause was that people bitten by suspected rabid animals did not receive timely rabies vaccination, or did not receive enough doses. In addition, dog and cat management is still lax and the rate of rabies vaccination for pets remains low.
Rabies is a zoonotic disease caused by the rabies virus, and most deaths occur once symptoms appear, with a mortality rate of nearly 100%.
This is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases, especially in countries with low vaccination rates for livestock, such as in Southeast Asia.
Mr. Nguyen Luong Tam, Deputy Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, is concerned that this disease still causes such a high number of deaths.
“The high death toll from rabies, with nearly 100 people, is due to poor management of dogs and cats; the rate of rabies vaccination in dogs and cats is low (under 50%). The situation of dogs and cats roaming freely, not wearing muzzles and not vaccinated against rabies is common, while people are subjective and do not get vaccinated against rabies when bitten by dogs and cats,” said the leader of the Department of Preventive Medicine.
To prevent rabies, the Ministry of Health recommends that people take measures such as vaccinating dogs and cats against rabies: People need to fully vaccinate their pets against rabies and re-vaccinate according to veterinary recommendations. This is the most effective measure to reduce the risk of rabies spreading.
Avoid contact with animals that show unusual behavior: Especially with children, do not play with or tease dogs or cats, especially animals that show strange behavior such as barking loudly, attacking without reason or running away.
When bitten by a dog or cat, people need to immediately wash the wound under running water for 15 minutes, disinfect with 70% alcohol or antiseptic. After that, need to get rabies vaccine and/or anti-rabies serum as soon as possible. Absolutely do not self-treat or seek treatment from a witch doctor.
Restricting the trade and slaughter of dogs and cats: Localities need to strengthen control over the trade of dog and cat meat, and at the same time inspect and strictly handle establishments trading in animals of unknown origin.
When at risk of rabies, go immediately to the nearest medical facility for examination and timely treatment.
Establishing a map of ABI-certified rabies prevention facilities
Rabies is a dangerous disease with an almost absolute mortality rate if not promptly intervened. In response to this situation, the project "Establishing a map of ABI-standard rabies prevention facilities" of AMVGROUP Medical Joint Stock Company was born, helping to minimize risks to people and protect public health.
In addition to serving the public, the ABI map is also a powerful tool for medical facilities and supply chains. The system helps automate supply management. |
Dr. Luong Kim Dinh, Safpo/Potec vaccination system, said that the project "Establishing a map of ABI standard rabies prevention facilities" started in April 2024. This process is divided into 3 main stages: research and development: The project team analyzed search methods on Google Maps, identified the requirements and standards needed to update vaccination facility data on this platform.
Testing: The pilot phase successfully put the entire Safpo/Potec vaccination system – a widespread network of vaccination rooms – on the map, evaluating its effectiveness and practical applicability.
Operation: With close coordination between partners, the project has so far updated more than 200 qualified vaccination facilities on the ABI standard rabies prevention map (abbreviation: ABI) as of November 2024. With a target of 1,000 points nationwide, we hope that this project will ensure progress. These vaccination points will always be guaranteed to operate according to professional regulations, always have vaccines and anti-rabies serum available, meeting the needs of people at all times.
Powered by Google Maps, the ABI map is more than just a search engine. It is designed to connect people to the nearest health facility with rabies vaccine and serum. With just a few taps on a smartphone, any geographical distance is shortened, providing access to timely treatment – which for many people can mean the difference between life and death.
Each vaccination point on the map is not just a physical address, but also a commitment from the health system that anyone, anywhere, deserves to be protected from the dangers of rabies.
Improve supply chain systems
Not only serving the people, according to Dr. Kim Dinh, the ABI map is also a powerful tool for medical facilities and supply chains. The system helps automate supply management, ensuring that vaccination clinics participating in this project always maintain adequate supplies of vaccines and anti-rabies serum, avoiding the situation of vaccine not being available at any given time.
With over 1,000 vaccination sites to be integrated, the ABI map is not only a tool, but also a bridge connecting the harmonious coordination between technology, health and the practical needs of the community. At the same time, the project supports the national program to effectively monitor the quality and quantity of vaccination facilities, contributing to building a more sustainable health network.
The ABI project aims to establish at least one rabies vaccination site in every district nationwide, with the hope of reaching 1,000 and beyond. In the future, real-time data will be integrated, providing accurate information on vaccine stocks at each facility, helping to ensure the quality standards of these facilities, as well as improving management efficiency and rapid response to urgent needs.
Facilities participating in the ABI map will also participate in specialized training programs on pre-exposure and post-exposure rabies prevention conducted by the National Rabies Control Program in collaboration with the Company.
The ABI map helps increase people's access and connection to vaccination clinics, helping to enhance the reputation of health facilities through online interactions with people. This is also a motivation for facilities to maintain operating standards and better meet the needs of the community.
The project “Mapping ABI Standard Rabies Facilities” is not only a step forward, but also a deeply humane solution. It represents a joint effort of many organizations to protect public health, raise awareness and reduce the serious impact of rabies. This is a big step towards a safer and healthier society.
The project implementation process was well organized, with a clear roadmap and cooperation between stakeholders, from technology experts to medical facilities. This shows a serious investment in both intelligence and resources.
However, the biggest challenge is ensuring that data is always updated accurately and consistently. Maintaining the continuity and quality of each facility, especially when expanding to 750 injection sites in the coming period, will require strong cooperation and long-term commitment from related units.
Source: https://baodautu.vn/no-luc-phong-chong-benh-dai-qua-ban-do-tiem-chung-abi-d239360.html
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