According to initial information, at around 2:00 p.m. on March 1, a loud explosion occurred in alley 02, Ly Nam De street (group 5, Phu Dong ward, Pleiku city, Gia Lai province).

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The scene was cordoned off. Photo: Tran Hoan

At the scene, right next to the explosion site, a 5m section of a residential fence collapsed; a garbage cart was overturned, all its panels blown off; nearly 20 rear glass windows of a bank were shattered. Along the alley, glass fragments were scattered everywhere.

At the site of the explosion there was a small crater deep into the ground. The distance from here to the farthest broken window was about 35m.

According to a resident near the explosion site, he was resting when he heard a loud explosion and his house shook. He ran down to the scene of the explosion and saw a fire burning in a pile of trash next to the road; there were no people around.

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A section of the fence near the explosion site collapsed. Photo: Tran Hoan

This resident believes that the explosion may have originated from explosives mixed in the pile of garbage, but the origin, type and quantity have not been determined. After the incident, the authorities sealed off the scene and investigated the cause of the explosion.

Photo taken at the scene :

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Nearly 20 rear glass windows of a bank were shattered. Photo: Tran Hoan
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The distance from the explosion site to the farthest broken window is about 35m. Photo: Tran Hoan
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Along the alley, pieces of glass were scattered everywhere. Photo: Tran Hoan