Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha signed Decision 218/QD-TTg dated March 4, 2024 approving the Ninh Binh Provincial Planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.
The planning scope includes the entire mainland territory and sea space of Ninh Binh province as determined according to relevant legal provisions.
Regarding the goal, promote all potentials, advantages, resources and motivations to develop Ninh Binh province quickly and sustainably.
By 2030, Ninh Binh will be a fairly developed province, a growth pole in the southern provinces of the Red River Delta, basically meeting the criteria of a centrally-governed city with the characteristics of a millennium heritage urban area, a creative city; one of the major centers, with high brand value in tourism, cultural industry, heritage economy of the whole country and Southeast Asia; a leading modern auto mechanical industry center in the country; basically forming a synchronous innovative startup ecosystem. The area is solid in terms of national defense and security. Building a clean, strong and comprehensive Party and political system, developing economy, civilized society, happy people.
Specific economic indicators, GRDP growth rate (at 2010 comparative prices) average 9.2% in the period 2021-2030. GRDP per capita is about 200 million VND. Striving to be one of the 10 provinces and cities with the highest per capita income in the country. The structure of economic sectors in GRDP is as follows: agriculture-forestry-fishery 5.3%; industry-construction 45.3%; services 38.3%; product tax minus product subsidy 11.1%. The poverty rate (according to the multidimensional poverty standard) is below 2%.
By 2035, Ninh Binh province will become a centrally-governed city with the characteristics of a millennium heritage urban area, a creative city; a large center with high brand value in tourism, cultural industry, and heritage economy of the whole country and the Asia-Pacific region; a leading center of the country in modern mechanical engineering industry; an innovative startup center of the southern provinces of the Red River Delta. A solid location in terms of national defense and security. Building a strong, clean and comprehensive Party and political system, a developed economy, a prosperous society, and happy people.
Key tasks and development breakthroughs
Regarding key tasks and breakthroughs in development, developing the automotive mechanical industry, high-tech industry, and environmental friendliness are the driving forces for growth. Developing tourism and cultural industry are the spearheads associated with high-end, unique products and services with high brand value.
Promote innovation, apply scientific and technological achievements, reform administrative procedures, Digital Transformation, build a synchronous Digital Government and Digital Economy; enhance competitiveness, improve the investment and business environment. Train and develop human resources to meet the economic restructuring process and socio-economic development requirements in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Comprehensively develop culture and society; attach importance to grassroots culture, build a civilized lifestyle; preserve and promote the fine traditional cultural values of the people of the ancient capital. Focus on preserving, renovating, restoring and promoting the Hoa Lu Ancient Capital Heritage and the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex.

Organize space and divide functional zones reasonably; sustainably develop the urban system; harmoniously develop between regions, between urban and rural areas; build new rural areas in an advanced and exemplary direction associated with the development of multi-value ecological agriculture; innovate the appearance of modern urban and rural architecture and landscapes, rich in identity.
Invest in building synchronous and modern infrastructure associated with exploiting and effectively using land funds. Develop civilized and modern urban areas. Implement the strategy for developing millennium heritage urban areas, creative economy, heritage economy on the basis of restoration and conservation, promoting historical - cultural values, natural landscapes, environmental protection, proactively responding to natural disasters and adapting to climate change.
Focus on developing the Kim Son coastal economy to become a new driving force, space and growth pole of the province.
Focus and prioritize the development of mechanical engineering and manufacturing industry.
Regarding the development direction of important industries, including the industry-construction sector, the internal structure of the processing and manufacturing industry will be shifted towards promoting high-tech industrial groups and products with high added value, clean technology and production of industrial goods for export. There will be outstanding mechanisms and policies to promote innovative startups in high-tech, environmentally friendly industries.
Focus on and prioritize the development of mechanical engineering industry, automobile manufacturing and assembly industry; electronics industry; new materials industry, high-tech materials industry; processing industries serving agricultural production; maintain stable production of traditional key industrial products associated with environmental protection; develop a number of consumer goods manufacturing industries with reasonable use of labor.
Forming clusters in the production of a number of priority industries, creating a foundation and basis for connecting product chains and value chains, enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. Developing the construction industry towards modernity, specialized techniques, high competitiveness and meeting the development needs of the locality and the whole country.
Develop 4 main tourism product groups
In the service industry, in which tourism is concerned, building and developing tourism in Ninh Binh province is a key economic sector, with its own brand and image associated with the potential and value of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital and the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex.

Develop 4 main tourism product groups: cultural-historical tourism products are a group of specific tourism products, with a separate brand for Ninh Binh tourism; tourism products for sightseeing of natural landscapes; eco-tourism, resort and health care products associated with high-class resorts and marine ecosystems, forests, hot mineral sources; creative tourism products with breakthrough thinking, high intellectual content, saving resources.
Develop 3 groups of supporting tourism products: group of specialized tourism products on natural exploration, festivals, cuisine; group of interdisciplinary tourism products: MICE tourism (associated with conferences and seminars), agricultural tourism, sports tourism, educational tourism, community tourism, film studio experience tourism, etc.; group of inter-regional tourism products.
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