Recently, Hanoi Capital University announced its plan for regular university enrollment in 2025, clearly stating the admission methods and combinations for each major.

Notably, for the History Pedagogy major, the school has admission methods or combination codes that do not include History.

Specifically, in the two methods of Considering high school graduation exam results and Using the results of the 2025 capacity assessment exam, there are combinations that do not include History such as D01 (Math, Literature, English); C04 (Math, Literature, Geography) and C14 (Math, Literature, Economic and Legal Education).

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Admission methods and admission combination codes for History Pedagogy major of Hanoi Capital University in 2025.

This major is also announced to have admission by combining international language proficiency certificates. However, the method of calculating admission scores for this method is determined by the following formula: Admission score = (A x 2) + (B+C)/2 + D. In which A is the converted score of the international language proficiency certificate; B is the 2025 high school graduation exam score in Mathematics; C is the 2025 high school graduation exam score in Literature; D is the priority score (if any). Thus, History is not required in this admission method.

A similar story happened in the enrollment plan of Thai Nguyen University of Education.

For History Pedagogy, if following the method of considering the results of capacity assessment, candidates can use the scores of 3 subjects: Literature, Math, English for admission.

According to the method of using high school graduation exam results, this school allows admission using the D01 combination (Math, Literature, English) or the C20 combination (Literature, Geography, Economic and Legal Education).

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Admission methods and admission combination codes for History Pedagogy major of Thai Nguyen University of Education in 2025.

The same goes for the History - Geography Pedagogy major. In the admission method based on high school graduation exam scores, this school allows candidates to use the combination of Literature, Geography, Economic Education and Law.

Thus, with the above admission methods and combinations, candidates do not need to take the History exam.

Candidates are not allowed to bring Geography Atlas into the 2025 high school graduation exam room.

Candidates are not allowed to bring Geography Atlas into the 2025 high school graduation exam room.

From the 2025 high school graduation exam, candidates are not allowed to bring the Vietnam Geography Atlas into the exam room.
3 Vietnamese majors in the world's top 100

3 Vietnamese majors in the world's top 100

There are 3 subjects in the world top 100 according to the latest QS rankings including: Petroleum Engineering (Ho Chi Minh City National University); Performing Arts (Van Lang University); Hospitality and Entertainment (Duy Tan University).
Convert IELTS from 4.5 in university admission

Convert IELTS from 4.5 in university admission

There is a university in Ho Chi Minh City that converts IELTS 4.5 into 7.5 points; IELTS 6.0 into 10 points in English in the 2025 university entrance exam.