Teacher Ro Cham Ui (47 years old) participates in the 2024 high school graduation exam - Photo: TH
On the first day of the 2024 high school graduation exam, many candidates and invigilators at the exam site of Phu Hoa Town Secondary School, Chu Pah District (Gia Lai) were surprised by two elderly candidates.
The difficulty of finding a high school diploma
Specifically, the teachers - candidates taking the exam today are Mr. Ro Cham Ui (47 years old), a culture teacher at Bui Thi Xuan Primary School, Ia O commune, and Mr. Ro Cham Un (48 years old), a culture teacher at Cu Chinh Lan Primary School, Ia Chia commune.
Sharing with us, Mr. Ro Cham Ui said he has more than 20 years of experience working in the education sector.
Previously, Mr. Ui graduated from the 9+3 intermediate teacher training program so he was not awarded a high school diploma.
It was not until 2020, when there were new regulations on standardizing degrees, that Mr. Ui decided to study at the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of Chu Pah district to supplement the missing degree.
The journey to get his high school diploma was also quite thorny. For the past 3 years, every Saturday and Sunday, Mr. Ui rode his motorbike dozens of kilometers to Chu Pah district to attend class.
Regardless of rain or shine, early or late, this "special student" is always present in every class.
Teacher Ui honestly said that he is old and the curriculum has changed a lot so it is difficult to keep up with the program like other young people.
Therefore, when it was somewhat difficult to understand, the teacher diligently asked his fellow students or asked the teachers in the class to explain further.
After the first day of the exam, Mr. Ui said he still couldn't say anything for sure. The exam had some easy and some difficult questions, but getting a good score was relatively difficult because there was so much new knowledge. Mr. Ui had higher hopes for the history and geography exams tomorrow because he had prepared quite well for these two subjects.
Go to the exam to set an example for students.
Teacher Ro Cham Un in his second high school graduation exam, hoping to get his diploma - Photo: TH
For Mr. Ro Cham Un, this is the second time he has taken the high school graduation exam. In the 2023 exam, Mr. Un unfortunately failed, this time he is very determined to take the exam.
28 years of working in the education sector, where Mr. Un teaches is a school in the border area with Cambodia with many difficulties. However, to set an example for his students about studiousness and also to improve his qualifications, Mr. Un is not afraid of difficulties and efforts, with the goal of obtaining a high school diploma.
After the first day of the literature and math exams, Mr. Un was a bit worried because some of the questions were a bit difficult and he did not do well. However, thanks to the encouragement of his colleagues and his daughter, he kept calm and chose the easy questions to do first.
Mr. Un hopes to graduate in time for this exam, because next year's exam will probably be more difficult due to the new curriculum.
Source: https://tuoitre.vn/nhung-thay-giao-u50-di-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-20240627181227492.htm
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