Strange creatures breed on human skin.
According to the Daily Mail, most people carry a species of animal called Demodex folliculorum mites on their face, eyelashes and chest.
Demodex is part of the arachnid class, cousins of spiders and mites, that typically come out at night to feed on dead skin cells on the face before retreating to hair follicles and oil glands to lay eggs.
Despite their scary appearance, these mites are harmless. They can even help your skin by removing dead skin cells.
Recently, James Weiss, a microscopist at Bournemouth University with a passion for studying microbial life, captured new footage of Demodex living on his own face.
Demodex folliculorum can cause demodicosis, an itchy, irritating condition caused by sensitive skin and when it overproduces. Another species of Demodex, Demodex canis, lives in dogs, not humans, but also causes demodex disease, which results in patchy hair loss and red, inflamed skin.
According to another study from the University of Reading, Demodex is becoming simplified creatures and could soon "become one with humans".
Research shows that inbreeding and isolation from the outside world have led to the gradual loss of genes and cells, bringing the species closer to long-term survival with us.
Phuong Anh (Source: Daily Mail)
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