They are the silent vocational teachers who help the disabled to have a job to earn a living - the biggest dream in life of the unfortunate.
Underprivileged young people learn to draw at the Chap Canh Center drawing studio with a teacher who is passionate about the profession.
They themselves - teachers 5-20 years ago were also disabled, carrying within them the dream of learning a trade to become a craftsman to earn a living. And the time spent in the profession has turned them into silent teachers who day by day give wings to the small dreams of the disabled.
Established in 2006, Chap Canh Center (Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City) specializes in vocational training and job creation for people with disabilities. Mr. Tran Quang Tuan, with 5 years of studying and working in fine art stone processing, jewelry..., said that he is now able to pass on his skills to new students.
Teacher Truong Thi Van Anh said that if she had not known about this center, her daily life would have revolved around going to the hospital and going home.
Ms. Van Anh was fortunate to be introduced by the hospital to come here to learn a trade, and since then has been working here for nearly 6 years as a tailor. She realized that she had a talent for sewing and making clothing patterns, so in addition to teaching the trade to the less fortunate, she still works as a tailor to earn extra income.
Meanwhile, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Han sits in a wheelchair with one hand typing website programming commands. When he has no classes, he processes websites for companies and individuals. From the early days of difficulty getting used to computers, Mr. Han has been involved in this design profession for more than 17 years.
When asked about the happiest moment, Mr. Han confided: "That was when I received my first monthly salary, then went out to eat with my brothers. That was an unforgettable memory."
Special "talents" are trained in suitable skills and professions, knowing how to turn their shortcomings into strengths. In particular, with the valuable experiences of those who practice and teach the profession, they have quietly given wings to the dreams of many unfortunate people.
Ms. Truong Thi Van Anh, after nearly 6 years as a seamstress, is now a pattern designer for clothing production.
Teaching gemstone processing - a profession that requires meticulousness and delicacy... so the teacher must be patient and give dedicated guidance to the students.
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Han, 17 years of website design, has trained many young people.
A break for those who "pass on the passion for the profession" working at Chap Canh Center (Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City)
The workspace at Chap Canh Center is designed to accommodate people with disabilities. The teachers here are also craftsmen.
Rough stones are polished and crafted into sophisticated, valuable products.
The burning dream of people with disabilities is to have solid skills to open up their own path, work equally and assert themselves.
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