Many university graduates with excellent degrees still have to work in fields other than their major or take on part-time jobs to “put out the fire”. Businesses are always in a state of labor shortage, while graduates cannot find suitable jobs.
To overcome this problem, representatives of universities and colleges in Ho Chi Minh City have come up with new models and solutions to support students after graduation.
Finding a job that suits your interests and has a stable salary is the dream of many young people before entering university.
MSc. Truong Quang Tri, Deputy Head of Student Affairs Department, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, said that the school always cares about the rate of graduates having jobs every year. However, the school only commits to supporting job search, not to providing jobs for students. Whether students can work in businesses or not is still up to them to decide.
"The school has established an alumni group. The group gathers people who are doing business or working at prestigious enterprises across the country. As former students of the school, they will understand the quality of training and introduce suitable jobs to students of the next generation" - Master Tri pointed out.
In the coming time, the school will establish more alumni groups divided by region and specific major. According to MSc. Tri, this is also a way to help generations of students express the school's traditional spirit of mutual love and support, while also shortening the time for students to find jobs.
At Vietnam-USA College in Ho Chi Minh City, instead of waiting until graduation, students are instructed on how to create an impressive CV right from their first year. During their studies, students will be able to hone their soft skills, do internships at businesses to enhance their CVs, etc.
MSc. Nguyen Quang Anh Chuong, Vice Principal of Vietnam-USA College, Ho Chi Minh City, said that if students are not confident in mastering the subject, they can completely re-register and receive free support from the school.
Dr. Tran Van Hung, Vice Principal of Hung Vuong University in Ho Chi Minh City, said that the Ministry of Education and Training requires universities to have statistics on the rate of students having jobs 6-12 months after graduation.
According to Dr. Hung, with some of the school’s special training majors, students are recruited by businesses even before they graduate. The school’s annual enrollment quota is not large, so lecturers can fully take care of and support suitable job opportunities for students.
"Many students have found jobs, but after a while they are unemployed again. Therefore, the school always keeps in touch with graduates to provide timely support" - Dr. Hung shared.
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