Remembering passwords is not easy, especially if you use multiple online accounts at the same time.
To reduce that "burden", many people have set very simple passwords that are easy to remember. This also means that your account is not secure, and can be taken over by hackers in just a "jiffy".
"There are still many users around the world who set online passwords that are so weak that they can be cracked by hackers almost immediately" - cybersecurity experts at Red9 (USA) warn.
Red9 has compiled a list of the 10 most common online passwords in the world today and recommends that anyone who sets such a password should change it immediately:
Setting a simple password for an online account can be taken over by hackers in just seconds. Illustration photo: GETTY
1 - 123456
2 - 123456789
3 - qwerty
4 - password
5- 12345678
6 - 111111
7 - qwerty123
8 - 1q2w3e
9 - 1234567
10 – 1234567890
The group also pointed out that six-character passwords are the most popular and are also the most targeted by hackers.
“You should use random codes instead of taking hints from your favorite sports team or your birthday. Capital letters, symbols, and a combination of numbers can also make your password much stronger and more secure,” the Red9 team emphasized.
The latest research from Red9 reminds online users around the world to raise awareness about password security to avoid unfortunate events.
"Using a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, and avoiding easily guessable information like your name and date of birth, can significantly increase the security of your account.
"Regularly updating your passwords and avoiding using the same password across multiple accounts also helps protect your accounts from potential threats," said Mark Varnas, founder of Red9.
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