Start your day with health news, readers can also read more articles: 5 healthy strategies to lose weight fast ; More exciting news for coffee lovers; Mycoplasma pneumonia cases on the rise ...
Golden rules for safe walking
Although walking is the simplest exercise to stay fit and healthy, fitness experts say you still need to follow some principles to avoid unwanted risks, especially if you walk in places without sidewalks or at night.
To walk safely, follow these guidelines.
Turn down the volume on your headphones. Kevin Le Gall, a fitness trainer in the US, recommends: If you walk in the evening or early morning, you should be careful when wearing headphones. Always pay attention to your surroundings when walking to ensure safety, according to the health website Best Life.
Don't immerse yourself in music blasting through your headphones. Keep the volume at a moderate level so you can still hear car horns and other sounds around you.
If you walk or jog after dark, wear light-colored clothing.
Pay attention when crossing the street. Try to see the traffic and drivers as you cross. Wave to make sure they see you. Even if you are following the law, remember that drivers may not be paying attention to you.
Wear light-colored clothing if walking at night. If walking at night, wear light-colored clothing because drivers' visibility is limited.
Don’t stare at your phone. Distracting yourself while walking and texting or scrolling through your phone is also dangerous. You will be distracted and lose awareness of your surroundings. You will have difficulty recognizing dangers on the road such as tripping or crashing into objects or vehicles on the road. Readers can read more about this article on the health page on August 24.
5 Healthy Strategies to Lose Weight Fast
Many of us want to not only lose weight, but lose it fast. While this is difficult, it is not impossible. The key is to combine and maintain healthy habits.
Losing weight quickly by only cutting calories in your daily diet is effective but difficult to sustain and can easily lead to weight gain again. However, if you combine cutting calories with other healthy habits, you can overcome this limitation.
Green vegetables are an indispensable ingredient in a weight loss diet.
To lose weight quickly and healthily, everyone should apply the following methods:
Cut out unnecessary calories. Sugar is a significant source of empty calories in our daily diet. It is found in cakes, candies, soft drinks, bubble tea, cakes and many other snacks. It is almost impossible to completely cut sugar from our diet. However, we can cut back gradually, starting by avoiding sugary drinks and then replacing sugary snacks with healthy options such as beans, eggs and vegetables.
Increase protein intake. Protein is a basic component of a healthy and balanced diet. However, in daily diet, people need to pay attention to eating the right amount, especially when losing weight. Because protein-rich foods such as chicken, beef, eggs, milk or beans also contain calories. Eating too much will cause a calorie surplus and weight gain.
Protein not only helps you feel full longer, but also contains amino acids like leucine, which helps maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle loss. while losing weight. Nutritionists recommend eating 20-30 grams of protein per meal. The next content of this article will be on the health page on August 24 .
Discovered more interesting good news for coffee lovers
New research has just been published and has found that drinking coffee increases alertness and significantly improves the brain's cognitive performance.
Using groundbreaking technology to monitor the brain, the study examined brain activity when stimulated by different stimuli such as drinking coffee, listening to music or smelling perfume, and found that drinking coffee and listening to music promoted the highest cognitive performance.
Drinking coffee increases arousal and cognitive performance
The research, conducted by scientists from the Tandon School of Engineering, New York University - NYU (USA), has developed the MINDWATCH algorithm to collect brain state data. This is a breakthrough technology for brain monitoring, it analyzes brain activity through data collected from wristbands and headbands worn on the head.
Participants wore two brain-monitoring devices to test cognitive performance.
Specifically, the researchers investigated beta brain wave activity — brain waves associated with feelings of well-being and the ability to concentrate.
The results found that drinking coffee increases beta brain wave activity, which increases arousal and cognitive performance. Start your day with health news to see more of this article!
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