The Women's Association of Nong Truong village (Ninh Sim commune) has 80 members. To support women in difficult circumstances and illnesses, the association has implemented the "Love Rice Jar" model from March 2022 to present. During annual activities such as: International Women's Day March 8, Vietnamese Women's Day October 20, mid-term and final reviews... the association mobilizes each member to bring a little rice to put in the rice jar to help women in difficult circumstances. Depending on family conditions, each member contributes a little rice, with a maximum of 10kg of rice contributed at a time. Each time, the association collects from 50 to 60kg of rice and gives it to 7-8 women, each person receives from 5 to 10kg at a time. In the first year, the model was implemented twice. After that, seeing its effectiveness, the association increased it to 4 times a year. To date, after more than 3 years of implementation, the sisters have contributed more than 550kg of rice to give to nearly 80 members. In 2024 alone, the association also mobilized sponsors to support 500kg of rice and more than 16 million VND in gifts to give to sisters in difficult circumstances, illness, and disease.
Women's Union of Nong Truong village, Ninh Sim commune gives rice to members in difficult circumstances and with illnesses. |
Ms. Bui Thi Thoa (Nong Truong village) has a heart disease so she cannot work; her family's circumstances are difficult. Therefore, over the years, the association has regularly donated rice from the model to her. "Thanks to the care and help of the sisters, I have more rice to eat every day, saving money. When I am sick and cannot attend activities, the sisters save some for me and send rice to my house, so I am very happy," Ms. Thoa shared. In addition, other women's associations have also implemented the model. In 2024, the women's associations in the commune mobilized 506 kg of rice to support members in difficult circumstances.
In Ninh Trung commune, the model was first implemented in 2022 at the Women's Union of Vinh Thanh village. The charity rice jar is located at the rice milling factory of the family of Ms. Ha Thi Ngoc Nga - Head of the Women's Group of Go Don hamlet, Vinh Thanh village. Every time people come to mill rice , Ms. Nga mobilizes each person to donate a little to help women in difficult circumstances. Ms. Nga herself also regularly contributes rice. In addition, the Head of the Women's Union of the village has called on members to contribute rice when participating in activities; mobilized benefactors, rice businesses... to join hands to support the rice jar. Thanks to that, each year, the charity rice jar in the village receives more than 400kg of rice from various sources. Seeing the effectiveness of the model, the Women's Union of Ninh Trung commune has expanded it to Mong Phu and Quang Cu villages. Being a rice-growing area, when the associations mobilized rice contributions, the women enthusiastically supported. Every year, the women's associations in the commune mobilize more than 1 ton of rice to give to more than 60 single women, women with disabilities, and women in especially difficult circumstances... with about 20kg of rice/time.
In Ninh Ha ward, every quarter, 5 women's associations will mobilize members to contribute rice and collect from 100 to 200 kg of rice to give to women in difficult circumstances. In addition, the model has also been implemented by women's associations in Ninh Diem ward for many years.
Ms. Huynh Thi Ngoc Diem - President of the Ninh Hoa Town Women's Union said: The "Love Rice Jar" model has been enthusiastically supported by female union members and local people. Thanks to that, the amount of mobilized rice has increased, helping many union members in difficult circumstances. In addition, the union at all levels has also maintained the "Raising piggy banks to save money" model to have a source of funds to give gifts. From these models, in 2024, the union bases saved more than 50 million VND and nearly 1.5 tons of rice to help 143 poor, disabled and disadvantaged women, contributing to the implementation of social security policies in the locality. In the coming time, the union at all levels will continue to deploy models and improve the quality and quantity to help more disadvantaged people.
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