People in Trung Tien village, Cam Duong commune (Cam Xuyen) are the first households in Ha Tinh to be granted land use right certificates after completing the third land concentration, accumulation and conversion.
The joy of the households doing the test
From early morning, at the Trung Tien village cultural house, Cam Duong commune (Cam Xuyen), many people were present to receive land use right certificates after the third land conversion. On everyone's face, everyone showed joy because their long-awaited wish had come true. After more than 2 years of waiting, people held their property certificates in their hands to feel secure in their work and production.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Linh expressed her joy when receiving the certificate of agricultural land use rights.
While completing the procedures to receive the red book, Ms. Nguyen Thi Linh (Trung Tien village, Cam Duong commune, Cam Xuyen) said: “Previously, my family cultivated 4 rice fields. After the 3rd land conversion, my family only has 1 plot with an area of nearly 4,000m2 . After 4 farming seasons, my family has now obtained a land use right certificate, so we are very excited.”
This time, the entire Trung Tien village, Cam Duong commune (Cam Xuyen) has 57 households receiving land use right certificates. These are the first households in Ha Tinh to be granted land use rights after successfully implementing the third land conversion.
“Issuing land use right certificates is the final step in the implementation of land concentration and accumulation. This is also the most complicated and difficult step, taking the most time. Cam Xuyen district was chosen by the province to implement the pilot project, in which Cam Duong commune was the first locality to implement, so at first there were many confusions. After 2 years of implementing the conversion, people have been able to hold red books to feel secure in production” – Vice Chairman of Cam Duong Commune People's Committee Hoang Van Linh shared.
Trung Tien villagers receive land use right certificates after land conversion
Cam Duong commune currently has 4 villages: Trung Tien, Trung Duong, Nam Thanh, Bac Thanh that have implemented the 3rd land concentration, accumulation, and conversion with a total area of over 150 hectares (reaching 52.4% of the total rice land area). In these 4 villages, Cam Duong commune has converted from 1,055 plots to 144 plots. Currently, the whole commune has a surplus of 15 hectares of agricultural land. This area will be put under local management or granted to families who do not have land for cultivation.
In addition to Cam Duong commune, Dong Doai village of Nam Phuc Thang commune is also being selected by the province as a point for issuing land use right certificates after conversion. At this time, Cam Xuyen district People's Committee is appraising documents to soon issue land use right certificates to 195 households in Dong Doai village.
Speed up the issuance of land use right certificates
According to Cam Xuyen district, up to now, the whole district has broken down small plots to form large plots with an area of 2,186.4 hectares. Of which, 8/22 communes and towns have implemented the third concentration, accumulation, and land conversion with a total area of 1,007.4 hectares (accounting for 10% of the total rice-growing land area of the whole district). The district has coordinated with provincial departments and branches to organize the acceptance of implementation results. The departments and branches are advising the Provincial People's Committee to approve support funds according to Article 5, Resolution 51/2021/NQ-HDND of the Ha Tinh Provincial People's Council.
The third land conversion is a revolution in agriculture in Cam Xuyen district.
Mr. Le Ngoc Ha - Vice Chairman of Cam Xuyen District People's Committee shared: "In 2023, the area of land consolidation and conversion for the third time is expected to increase by 985.3 hectares. In the coming time, we will focus on completing the cadastral map of agricultural land and submit it to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for appraisal and approval. This is the basis for guiding the commune level to prepare dossiers to issue and exchange land use right certificates for people after land consolidation and plot exchange to ensure land management and land users' rights".
The procedure for granting land use right certificates after land conversion is a complicated and difficult administrative procedure. However, with the spirit of urgency and determination of the entire political system, Cam Xuyen district has become the first locality in the province to grant land use right certificates after land consolidation. From the initial success, the district continues to speed up the processes and procedures to ensure that 100% of people who have carried out land consolidation are granted land use right certificates.
Phan Tram
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