(CPV) - The workshop brought together leading experts in various fields to discuss and propose breakthrough, revolutionary solutions for Vietnam to overcome current challenges and firmly enter a new era of national development.
On December 30, in Hanoi, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics coordinated with the Central Propaganda Department and the Central Theoretical Council to organize a national scientific conference with the theme "Revolutionary breakthrough orientations in the new era of development of the country" with more than 600 delegates attending; connecting to more than 60 points at Provincial and Municipal Political Schools along with 03 affiliated Academies of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics in Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Can Tho.
Professor, Dr. Le Van Loi, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics gave the opening speech. |
In his opening speech, Professor, Dr. Le Van Loi, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, stated that over nearly 40 years of implementing the renovation process, the country has undergone important transformations and developments, bringing about breakthroughs and spectacular developments that are very proud and highly appreciated by the international community. From a low-middle income country, Vietnam is preparing to enter the group of upper-middle income countries, becoming an economy with a GDP expected to reach about 506 billion USD in 2025, ranking 33rd globally in 2025; an important trade partner, an attractive destination for foreign strategic investors.
On the new development foundation of the country, Vietnam is facing great opportunities from the international context with remarkable breakthroughs in scientific and technological progress and revolutionary transformation processes on a global scale such as digital transformation, green transformation, energy transformation; especially taking advantage of opportunities from the process of deep integration into the global economy, politics and civilization, strategic partnerships with the world's leading developed economies and powers. Therefore, the current time has met all the important conditions for the entire Party and people to unite in determination and aspiration to bring the country into a new era of development, an era of national growth as stated by General Secretary To Lam.
To achieve the country's development goals by 2030 and realize the development vision by 2045 as set out in the 13th National Party Congress documents, we must make great efforts as determined in the draft documents of the 14th National Party Congress and aim for double-digit economic growth.
To help the country step into a new era of development, General Secretary To Lam pointed out strategic orientations such as: improving the Party's leadership method; strengthening the Party's character in building and perfecting a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people; streamlining the apparatus to operate effectively and efficiently; cadres and cadre work; focusing on strong economic development; national digital transformation; preventing and combating waste...
Roundtable discussion at the Workshop. |
In addition, there are strategic issues that need attention such as human security, social security; people and human rights are the center of development; environmental protection; strengthening foreign affairs and international integration; building and protecting the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland.
In recent terms, the Party and State have identified three strategic breakthroughs: institutional breakthrough, human resource breakthrough and infrastructure breakthrough. The above orientations, if built and implemented effectively, will create breakthrough changes in the country's new development era. Therefore, deep awareness and clear identification of implementation methods will be decisive factors for the country's strong development in the new development era.
At the workshop, delegates, experts and scientists focused on identifying revolutionary breakthrough directions and solutions to bring Vietnam into a new era of development. The main topics of the workshop included: General issues on the country's new era of development; Revolutionary breakthrough directions and solutions for Vietnam to firmly enter the era of national development.
Source: https://dangcongsan.vn/xay-dung-dang/nhung-dinh-huong-dot-pha-mang-tinh-cach-mang-trong-ky-nguyen-phat-trien-moi-cua-dat-nuoc-687639.html
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