No dizziness or fatigue
Due to poor vascular elasticity, the elderly are prone to changes in blood pressure after bathing, leading to dizziness and fatigue.
Fluctuations in blood pressure after bathing in the elderly increase the risk of stroke. If the elderly do not feel dizzy or tired after bathing, it shows that the blood vessels are well regulated and the cardiovascular system is relatively healthy.
No heart discomfort
When you take a bath, your blood vessels dilate and your heart has to work harder to pump blood. If your heart function is weak at this time, it can cause discomfort such as palpitations and shortness of breath.
Therefore, if the elderly do not feel discomfort in the heart after bathing, it means that the heart function is still good.
No joint pain
As we age, joint and bone degeneration is inevitable. However, if the elderly do not experience joint pain or limited mobility after bathing, it means that the joints are flexible and the bone health is good.
No difficulty breathing
Elderly people after bathing do not have chest tightness or difficulty breathing, proving that the respiratory system is functioning normally and the heart and lungs function well.
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