Recently, many teachers in Ho Chi Minh City have wondered what jobs done during the summer break are considered for calculating additional income. The Department of Education and Training and the Department of Home Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City have met and agreed to issue specific regulations.
Teachers in Ho Chi Minh City can receive the highest additional income of more than 18 million VND/month.
Since 2018, along with the National Assembly's resolution on piloting a number of specific development mechanisms and policies, Ho Chi Minh City has implemented a policy of paying additional income to officials, civil servants, public employees, and workers. Accordingly, in 2018 it increased by 0.6 times, in 2019 it was 1.2 times, and from 2020, the adjustment coefficient increased to 1.8 times compared to salaries according to ranks and positions. However, due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, the City decided to keep the coefficient at 0.6 - 1.2 times.
Recently, implementing Resolution 08/2023/NQ-HDND dated September 19, 2023 regulating additional income expenditure according to Resolution No. 98/2023/QH15 dated June 24, 2023 of the National Assembly on piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Ho Chi Minh City, the City has stipulated an adjustment coefficient for increasing income in 2023 until the end of the pilot implementation period according to Resolution No. 54/2017/QH14 of the National Assembly to implement the specific mechanism. Accordingly, the maximum additional income expenditure is 1.8 times the salary scale, rank, position and additional income expenditure does not exceed 0.8 times the basic salary fund of cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers under the management of the City. The City will balance the salary reform source to ensure salary increase expenditure according to the Government's roadmap and additional income expenditure. In case of insufficient funding at 1.8 times, the City People's Committee will report to the City People's Council to prescribe a coefficient suitable to the budget balance capacity.
According to Resolution 185 of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council issued in December 2023 on the state budget revenue and budget revenue and expenditure estimates for 2024, the maximum additional income expenditure coefficient is 1.5 times the salary scale and position. For subjects receiving additional income at a specific amount, the maximum expenditure is 3 million VND/month.
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