Preparing for the new school year, in addition to preparing books and knowledge from the previous year, parents can find for their children the latest books on life skills, English, and sex education. These are carefully invested publications, beautifully illustrated and suitable for students of many ages. The books are published by Dinh Ti Books.

Regarding life skills, the book series "Life skills for students" includes 8 familiar topics, revolving around daily life including: "Pay attention to lectures, understand lessons easily", "Think independently, increase intelligence", "Learn what your child loves, without pressure to achieve results", "Control behavior, persevere to the end", "Do homework without carelessness, carelessness", "Do homework without procrastination, dependence", "Do homework independently, self-consciously", "Arrange time, complete tasks"
This is a book series suitable for children aged 5-12, helping children learn how to train themselves and cultivate necessary skills in the learning process.

Each book consists of 6 short stories, the content is extremely realistic and close to the psychology of school age, and is no less humorous and witty, which will make children interested, thereby helping to practice good habits such as: Persistence, meticulousness, self-discipline in doing homework, not relying on parents to do it for them, paying attention to lectures, not doing personal work during class, making an effort in studying, arranging reasonable sleeping and studying time, etc.
The “World Atlas” series is designed for children aged 6 and up, guiding young readers to explore the continents, oceans, civilizations and wonders of the world.

The book series encapsulates rich knowledge about animals, plants, cultures and geography of the world with unique designs using large, eye-catching pictures, attracting the attention of young readers.
Each page is a map of a continent, depicting the outstanding features of culture, people, architecture, flora and fauna through visual images that are easy to understand and remember. Small pop-ups are cleverly arranged on each page, helping to synthesize the most important knowledge in a gentle way, avoiding the feeling of being overwhelmed by the massive amount of information.
Through each page, readers can clearly see the beauty and greatness of each continent, deeply understand the unique cultures of the regions that have contributed to the creation of human civilization for 4000 years. What is special, this book also arouses the love of Geography, making this subject attractive, lively and full of inspiration for children.

The book series “100 Survival Skills” written by Clint Emerson – a former SEAL, a special operations force of the US Navy. This is one of the best-selling books, according to the New York Times.
The book presents 9 main contents with 100 specific situations surrounding self-protection and how to handle bad situations: determining directions, surviving in the wilderness, surviving in disasters, sending distress signals, medical treatment in emergencies, neutralizing threats in public places, safety in public spaces, protecting your territory and personal preparation.
Also on the topic of life skills, the "Encyclopedia" series A letter on skill development - puberty is published for readers at the age of almost becoming adults.

The book includes 12 topics, covering common problems and concerns during puberty such as: puberty in boys, puberty in girls, how to take care of mental and physical health, staying safe in social relationships...
Not only does the book provide important knowledge to help children understand themselves, it is also a powerful assistant to help parents understand their children better and share sensitive and difficult issues with their children more easily.
In the field of foreign languages, the book "4000 essential English vocabulary and sentences for children" provides intuitive, vivid, simple, easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember lessons, making learning English for children from 4 to 12 years old really easy.
The book provides a very effective learning method when combining all 4 activities: Watch - Read - Write - Practice. The book has more than 110 rich and diverse topics around life such as: Body, Time, Clothes, Science, Zoo, Fruits... making the vocabulary provided comprehensive, diverse, complete and suitable for children's perception.
In addition, the book has full, clear transcriptions with explanations to help children learn English accurately and easily remember.
Each topic comes with specific example sentences. All the sentence patterns are simple, helping children to form sentences using similar combinations of vocabulary they have learned.
Topics and vocabulary are accompanied by detailed, vivid and fresh illustrations to help children remember longer, more deeply and more accurately.
The books are compiled systematically by leading experts. The book series is a powerful support tool for children in the process of learning English from an early age.
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