In life with many hardships and worries, not many people can easily reveal the whole truth to everyone.
However, no one can hide himself from poetry. When he writes down on paper the most personal lines, even the most vague ones, he indirectly makes a quite complete confession.
I read Phan Hong’s poems and immediately realized that he is a retired teacher. Because he himself confessed his days in the past “School on a windy hill/ To overcome hardship/ Teaching while… plowing” and his days now “I am now half a farmer/ Cherishing honesty, affection and land/ And the other half is the part of books/ If you still remember me, please come visit my house”.
Every author has a certain purpose with literature. As for author Phan Hong, he uses poetry to tell his life, to tell the fates he has encountered, to tell the paths he has traveled, to tell the lost dreams, to tell the memories of the past.
Therefore, holding the book “Hong Poetry” by Phan Hong published by the Writers Association Publishing House, is to enter into a heart-to-heart conversation, both caring and passionate. And it is not difficult to discover that Phan Hong, who is conversing with others in that endless reminiscence, is a gentle and tolerant person.
He did not have a hobby of raising his voice and apparently did not have the habit of raising his voice. He kept whispering, “The space is deserted with the sound of thin birds/ The pale sunlight drifts towards the mountains,” and he kept whispering, “Let your soul be lost in the morning sunlight/ Or the mist and smoke dyeing the length of the sunset.”
Author Phan Hong has had the opportunity to set foot in many lands, both domestically and internationally, but the two lands that always awaken his emotions are his childhood homeland of Quang Nam and his second homeland of Dak Lak.
With the place where he was born and raised, Phan Hong has a private space "The bed of his childhood days/ Lying listening to crickets chirping on the threshold" to look back and sob "The old threshold still has the image of Mother/ And someone's figure on the small path going home/ Still there are countless memories/ Even though I've been far from home all my life".
With the red basalt plateau, Phan Hong found the vibrant beauty of “The flickering fire/ Sharing light on each face/ Sharing warmth on each chest”. In particular, the color of wild sunflowers of the Central Highlands has the ability to nurture a stirring land for Phan Hong, making him nostalgic “Wild sunflowers/ Still bring joy/ So that life is no longer lonely”.
In Phan Hong’s poetry, there are sometimes very romantic and passionate images, such as “The river flows towards the sun”. However, that is not his outstanding advantage nor is it his creative impatience.
Author Phan Hong focuses on simple things that bring the breath of everyday life close to him. Therefore, Phan Hong's poetry is not too fanciful but always refuses sadness and sorrow. The kind eyes of a teacher have guided Phan Hong's rhymes slowly and leisurely, accompanying the warmth and coldness of humanity.
His poems are like sincere encouragement, gentle blessings and finally, like a message of trust. “In the past, I searched in the pages of books/ For vast horizons/ Now I search in the pages of books/ For the emptiness of my soul”.
Reading Phan Hong's poetry, I see a friendly hand waving affectionately from the slopes of bright yellow wild sunflowers, and my heart feels less jealous and competitive.
Phuong Hoa (According to
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